01 Фев 2014 13:32
Unknown column 'a.id' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT r.id, r.title, r.alias, r.fieldsdata AS body,r.published, r.published as state, r.ctime AS start_date, r.extime AS end_date, r.user_id,r.ctime AS publish_start_date, r.extime AS publish_end_date,r.meta_key, r.meta_descr, r.langs as language, r.access, r.version,c.id as cat_id, c.title AS category, c.published AS cat_state, c.access AS cat_access,u.name AS author FROM vm3n5_js_res_record AS r LEFT JOIN vm3n5_js_res_record_category AS rc ON rc.record_id = r.id LEFT JOIN vm3n5_js_res_categories AS c ON c.id = rc.catid LEFT JOIN vm3n5_users AS u ON u.id = r.user_id WHERE a.id = 1
Unknown column 'a.state' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id,a.state AS state, c.published AS cat_state,a.access, c.access AS cat_access FROM vm3n5_js_res_record AS a LEFT JOIN vm3n5_categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid WHERE a.id = 20

I got this errors when i save a Joomla article (no error saving Cobalt article) on to two different sites.

Последние изменения: 22 Окт 2015

Total posts: 13,748
03 Фев 2014 00:04

Did anyone make any customizations for you? I cannot find it though all project.

03 Фев 2014 11:10

Hello Sergey,

i have made a copy of the site. You can login here http://demo.helmut-mueller-online.de/administrator

Your Login:



This is a test site so you can't destroy anything. Do what you like. :)

03 Фев 2014 11:54

Found the problem. "Smart Search - Cobalt" Plugin causes this errors. Turned it off and had no more errors.

Скрытый текст

Total posts: 13,748
04 Фев 2014 01:26

I see. Found that. Fixed in next version.

PetterSandvik VIP
Total posts: 110
19 Сен 2015 10:12

I needed to disable this to stop this error on last version, with last J! version.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Сен 2015 16:57

PetterSandvik I needed to disable this to stop this error on last version, with last J! version.


Confirmed. I can see the same issue and error message in my test site.

I got the same error message, while I hit the unpublish button in plugin manager.
After disabling the plugin, the Article saving is back to normal.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Сен 2015 07:14

I canot reproduce it. Can tou specify stepsto get there?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Сен 2015 05:05

Nothing of that helps me to reproduce. Everything works just fine for me.

I need access to site witht his error.

pepperstreet Content - Smart Search, Type: content, Element: finder

But that is already not a cobalt plugin right?

degarrin VIP
Total posts: 33
11 Окт 2015 17:06

I get the same issue when enabling the Smart Search - Cobalt plugin. I am using Joomla 3.4.4, with PHP 5.5.29 and MySQL 5.5.45 running the standard Isis template on the Administrator backend and Gantry 5.1.5 template framework on the front.

Say you have enabled the plugin (so as usual: Extensions->Plugins->Smart Search-Cobalt->Enable). It says "Plugin Successfully Enabled" and everything looks fine until the first time you try to modify an article. Then when click "Save" or "Save & Close" you get an error message like this: Error Save failed with the following error: Unknown column 'a.id' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id,a.published AS state, a.access,(SELECT c.access FROM deg_js_res_categories AS c WHERE c.id IN(SELECT catid FROM deg_js_res_record_category WHERE record_id = a.id) LIMIT 1) AS access,(SELECT c2.published FROM deg_js_res_categories AS c2 WHERE c2.id IN(SELECT catid FROM deg_js_res_record_category WHERE record_id = a.id) LIMIT 1) AS cat_state FROM deg_js_res_record WHERE a.id = 285

But it does make the changes to your article. And you get this message even if you made no actual changes. I tested, and it seems to be prompted by the clicking of the "Save" or "Save & Close" buttons. And as previously stated by the other user, the error message disappears if you disable the plugin (so as usual: Extensions->Plugins->Smart Search-Cobalt->Disable). But when you disable the plugin from the plugin screen, you see the error message one more time at the top smart_search.JPG

but clearing the cache makes it go away.

Hope that helps. Angela

Total posts: 13,748
13 Окт 2015 15:29

And after that is away in never going back?

degarrin VIP
Total posts: 33
15 Окт 2015 00:38

That is correct. The error does not show again as long as the plugin stays disabled. However, if you enable the plugin again, the error also appears again.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Окт 2015 13:12

Unfortumately this plugin was develped not by me. and after my small investigation this plugin is a mess. I wounder how it worked for some people at all. most probably I'll exclude it from future build.

degarrin VIP
Total posts: 33
17 Окт 2015 19:36

I understand. But if you do not have a Smart Search plugin, it does make it more difficult to use the full featuers of Joomla's smart search component with Cobalt articles. Why does this matter if Cobalt allows for search within the apps themselves? Because the Smart Search allows the administrator to set filters where it can filter by whole component or a group of categories or by a date range, etc and the end user never sees that. So say I want to filter for just my Cobalt apps, or for a number of Cobalt category but from different apps, then I could set up a single search module that is for those cobalt apps and have it run as a side module on the cobalt pages.

Basically, the smart search has better filtering capabilities than the standard site search. And unless something has changed, I beleive Joomla was planning to phase out the old search system anyway and eventually only offer the smart search component.

The search was one of the factors in our moving away from Zoo and over to Cobalt. It is still better than Zoo's search, but a smart search plugin would be great.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Окт 2015 23:28

degarrin ... for a number of Cobalt category but from different apps, then I could set up a single search module that is for those cobalt apps and have it run as a side module on the cobalt pages.

Agree. SmartSearch (aka Finder) is better than the global Search. Also like the interface. Obviously the only way to search through multiple Cobalt sections. DisAdvantage: Own search results list. Fortunately with link to the full record. Bottomline: I would like to keep the plugin, too.


BTW, did you try to create and use pre-filtered links? Actually a similar solution, but it works directly with Cobalt. Advantage: Results are pure Cobalt record lists ;) Sure, there is a "limitation" to work with one section at a time. It also lacks a simple user interface.

Maybe a good idea to have some kind of a "wizard" to construct complex URL's ;)

Total posts: 13,748
19 Окт 2015 07:14

degarrin I understand. But if you do not have a Smart Search plugin, it does make it more difficult to use the full featuers of Joomla's smart search component with Cobalt articles.

I understand. I do not like the fact that this plugin is not working. Obviously my intention was to have smart search for Cobalt. But unfortunately the one who did it is not here anymore. And I am not sure I'll have a time to look into it. But may be later I'll try to solve this.

The reason I asked someone else to create this plugin, because I had few attempts but i always failed. I never could really understand how this search is working and so what should i do in every plugin method. Unfortunately nothing changed. I had an attempt to fix this plugin and this is how I discoverd that it is not correct, but again, I could not figure out how this system works. It is a shame to admit it but that is what it is.

pepperstreet @Sergey:

Maybe a good idea to have some kind of a "wizard" to construct complex URL's ;)

I am trying to bring URLs into Cobalt 9 so that people could share links to search result.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Окт 2015 17:32

Sergey I am trying to bring URLs into Cobalt 9 so that people could share links to search result.


PS: Regarding Cobalt native Search input. Did you notice the Joomla Smart-Search Index options! There are options to set a "weight multiplier" to the searched items. Really cool, IMHO. This would improve Cobalt search input and results dramatically. For instance, users might give the Title more "weight", and get closer results if their search terms are found in title.

Total posts: 13,748
20 Окт 2015 13:31

pepperstreet PS: Regarding Cobalt native Search input. Did you notice the Joomla Smart-Search Index options! There are options to set a "weight multiplier" to the searched items. Really cool, IMHO. This would improve Cobalt search input and results dramatically. For instance, users might give the Title more "weight", and get closer results if their search terms are found in title.

I have to study it. Right now I am in a dark in this area.

degarrin VIP
Total posts: 33
22 Окт 2015 00:31

pepperstreet did you try to create and use pre-filtered links?

Hmm, no I hadn't looked at that. So I checked it out and yes that would be a good workaround for specific filtering within a section, as you said. Doesn't solve my bigger issue of filtered searches of Cobalt-only apps though unfortunately.

Alright, well the Cobalt records, because they are content articles, do show up in a site search using the smart search component since they get indexed it is mostly the filter feature that does not work. So for now I will just use the site search or maybe use a third-party extension. I will have to look. And if Sergey decides to rebuild the plugin at some later point, I will look forward to it.

sergey I had an attempt to fix this plugin and this is how I discoverd that it is not correct, but again, I could not figure out how this system works.

I have looked at some of the documentation before because I was curious. I am not a programmer, but it seems quite involved. And there are so many database tables...

Thank you both! Angela

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