20 Янв 2014 21:50

I have a Type with a composite title.

Trying to import a data file, but it fails stating "Content must have a Title"

Tried with a csv file with no 'Title' column. Fail.

Tried with a csv file with a 'Title' column. Fail

I then changed the Title to a standard type, and was able to complete the import, with the following messages.

  • 'Warning: Failed to move file!
  • Notice: The article was added but it wil be published after approving by the moderator.
  • Message: Import successful"

Is it possible to import a record whose Title is 'composite'?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Янв 2014 00:14

Is it possible to import a record whose Title is 'composite'?

No. It is not possible.Article save process is very complex, and we could not use it during import. Otherwise it would take 10 seconds to import 10 articles. Import process is limited and this is one of the limitations.

21 Янв 2014 12:44

Thanks, Sergey

It's simple enough to change to standard title during import, as we do not expect folks to use import for front-end entry.

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