06 Янв 2014 04:08


if I wanted to use cobalt for a section were users can post contents and other users review them I understand that it would be useful to create a custom type for the review and then associate it with the feature "comments as type" but the question is:

how can I have a feature similar to JED, where when user submit his review he choose a rating, and then all these ratings results are showed in the main content (the one which is being reviewed) and are working also for ordering the contents as most voted etc... ?

thank you

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
07 Янв 2014 01:27

The key here is to set rating access only author.

All ratings through cobalt as comments increas actual rating of reviews cobalt article, thus rating ordering will work correctly.

07 Янв 2014 03:26

thank you!

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