05 Янв 2014 10:29


I've got a little css issue I can't solve (I have not enough knoweledge of css I guess)

maybe someone can help me out with this

I have cobalt on rockettheme paradigm template

and in the "submit record" form that you can access from this page http://www.alkemica.net/contenuti

the fields labels are not aligned correctly

I understand that this is due to this css rule

adminForm label {

width: 100%;


if I change the width value to 20% the labels are ok

but It seems that I am not able to override this css correctly

I tried several solutions in my template custom css file,

main of which

adminForm label {

width: 20% ;



adminForm label {

width: 20% !important;



body #adminForm label {

width: 20% !important;


but it just doesn't work

by inspecting all less files fo this template I can see that there is a

#adminForm {

    fieldset {

        padding: 20px 15px;

        margin: 10px 0 15px 0;


    label {

        width: 100%;


    .formelm-area {

        padding: 5px 0;

        label {

            vertical-align: top;

            display: inline-block;

            width: 7em;




rule in less\joomla-core.less file

and yes, i have disabled less compiler cache, and I deleted joomla and browser cache every time I tried to do something, as well as deleting compiled css files if I found them on the site

I guess I just do not undertand enough css specification rules to solve this little issue

if you want you shoul dbe able to access and test the "create record" fomr here http://www.alkemica.net/contenuti , by clicking on "post here" menu in the cobal menu bar, it is enabled also for public users and should work.

any suggestion is really appreciated

thank you!

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

05 Янв 2014 10:44

ok, it seems that

body #adminForm label {

width: 20% !important;


did the trick at last

I suppose there must be some other cache system I am not aware of, or just gantry

framework continues to cache files even if I disabled that feature :-(

Total posts: 13,748
06 Янв 2014 01:21

Note there is CSS parameter in submission form template. You could insert it there and that should override anything. No need for important I think. And no need to hack any CSS file.

06 Янв 2014 02:20


06 Янв 2014 03:14

about this "custom CSS" parameter in template settings, it is better to use this settings or the template css file directly?

I understand that using this parameter we can add custom css for a template AND ONLY a certain type, but in general if I want custom css for a template AND all types using that template what is better?

06 Янв 2014 05:01

given that there seems to be a lot of css classes to be override I am not comfortable in editing all types using the custom css parameter

I was instead wondering if there is some particular tag I can use to

insert all these classes in my template custom css files but specyfing them so that they don't mess up with other site elements whcih use the same classes, but they are applied only to cobal submission forms

eg for cobalt articles I used to sue "article" tag to specify css, but for submission form I don't see

a particluar tag I just see this class


div class="form-horizontal">

wrapped around the form, should I use this to specify css?

or is it better to create custom submission form template with custom css file

sorry, many questions ... I know

Total posts: 13,748
07 Янв 2014 01:18

about this "custom CSS" parameter in template settings, it is better to use this settings or the template css file directly?

This parameter mostly to de able to use default template without modification. If you have your custom template then it is easier to ass style just inside that template.

about this "custom CSS" parameter in template settings, it is better to use this settings or the template css file directly?

or is it better to create custom submission form template with custom css file

Both ways works. Chose one looks more handy for you.

07 Янв 2014 03:25

thanks for the explanations Sergey, this rockettheme paradygm template is a real pain in the a**, it causes a lot of conflicts with cobalt (even with template compatibility on) I am thinking about switching to a different template

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