04 Янв 2014 14:49

When pictures have special characters such as "ä", "ü", "ö" in their filename users can upload them without problems, they are even displayed. When downloading these pictures with the "Download Image" button, I only get a broken file.

For example: the picture "Bäcker.jpg" becomes a downloaded file with the name "B" (no file extension).

Same problem with the Batch-Download-Function of the pictures. The archive download starts but never stops until you cancel the download.

Same problem is with filenames of uploaded files such as "Gewürz.docx"(becomes "Gew" when downloaded).

May be there is a simple fix such as switching to the UTF-8 character set?

It is not that urgent, but I would love so see it fixed. I'm running the latest Cobalt version and everything else is fine so far.



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 1,113
06 Янв 2014 03:11

We can't reproduce this error locally, can you provide access and we check it on your site.

Работает на Cobalt