18 Нояб 2013 08:16

Hello Sergey'm a happy user of Cobalt8. I would like to kindly ask the development of integration with EasySocial of Stackideas for Cobalt8. Of course I understand that this is a paying job, so I'm willing to pay for it. But I am convinced that the whole community would be happy about that, because for me there will be no problem to make it public at all. I look forward to a positive response

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Нояб 2013 18:39

Idea/Feature Request topic has been opened. You may read on and vote over here...

19 Нояб 2013 05:55

Thanks :)

Total posts: 13,748
20 Нояб 2013 00:44

I know that integration would be good. And if you are ready to be a sponsor, I think we can make it much quicker.

21 Нояб 2013 03:55

We are ready Sergey. Tell me how much it costs, and I'll pay. Then I would be happy if you decide to make it available to everyone :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Нояб 2013 10:40

I know that integration would be good. And if you are ready to be a sponsor, I think we can make it much quicker.

I am interested in such a custom-work and public release for** CB** as well. Maybe you can give an estimate on the costs and loose time-frame? We can write and discuss about features via Skype, if you want to.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Нояб 2013 01:06

Thank you very much all for your support. I believe that social integrations are most important ones. This is what we have to do next I think. Even more important than Cobalt 9. First we need to get people who use Cobalt 8 :)

I'll try to put these integrations to my priority list.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
22 Нояб 2013 05:21

I believe that social integrations are most important ones. This is what we have to do next I think. Even more important than Cobalt 9 i think too, cobalt need such integrations

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