25 Окт 2013 11:15


I do not know whether this is a bug or something I'm doing wrong, so I'll ask it as a question and let you guys decide otherwise.

On my site I have created a Character Profiles form using Cobalt 8. The form consist of 12 fields. They are:

7 text fields

1 selection field

1 image upload field

4 text areas

Typing in the text area is extremely slow - painfully slow. I can only type one letter at a time and have to wait a second before typing the next letter. Sometimes I have to press the letter key several times to get it to show. Copy/Pasting into the field works fine though.

Any ideas why I'd be having this trouble?

Последние изменения: 05 Июль 2024

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Окт 2013 17:38

To narrow down the issue...

  • any errors in browser console?
  • Unpublish 6 of 7 textareas. Same issues with 1 field?
  • if not, publish 1 more field, test again...

Do you need simple, plain text input in your textarea fields? TextArea fields have some special features and may run several scripts. Maybe something collides?

  • Try to disable all extra and unnecessary parameters, like:

text-limit, mention, grow, text-limit, BBcode, HTML-filter etc.

  • enbable 1 feature for each field, try submission form again etc.

26 Окт 2013 19:00

Those are all very good suggestions. I'll play around with the settings and see what is up.

The funny thing is, I've been using Cobalt for the character profiles for a little while, but I haven't noticed the issue because everything was copy/pasted in. Today I decided to type up from scratch a new character profile and found the slowness issue.

I'll let you know what I find.

26 Окт 2013 19:12

Okay, I was able to find the cause.

It was the "Allow mention others" feature. Turning that one feature off resolved the slow typing issue for the text area. Turning it off for all of the text areas solved it for all of the text areas.

I'll mark this as solved! Thanks pepperstreet!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Окт 2013 19:32

It was the "Allow mention others" feature. Turning that one feature off resolved the slow typing issue for the text area. Turning it off for all of the text areas solved it for all of the text areas.

Glad you have found the culprit ;-)

Please, consider to turn this topic into a "bug" report. Although this is solved for you, it might be a common problem with the "mention" feature or multiple text-areas etc. Sergey should be notified about it. Thanks in advance.

27 Окт 2013 12:25


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