24 Окт 2013 22:52

Hi Sergey. Just been working with Cobalt 8. Awesome extension. Been having a play around with permission settings etc. Noticed that the category permission don't seem to be functional yet as noted in this post http://support.mintjoomla.com/en/cobalt-8/all/View +Permissions+using+Joomla+Groups-4291.html

Just a suggestion when you do integrate those, can this also be used for Type and field permissions, for example, 'Who can submit'. Using the access levels for this rather than groups doesn't seem to follow the Joomla logic.

That way types would have permissions as well as categories and both would be using groups rather than access levels. Then a user may be able to submit a type but not in a particular category or might be able to add only a certain topic to a category.

This is possible in part now but using the access levels is confusing and requires extra levels to be created

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
28 Окт 2013 00:46

Sure! This is what we are planning to do. We want to incorporate Cobalt with Joomla core ACL. But that will be in Cobalt 9.

17 Нояб 2013 22:54

Thanks Sergey, looking forward to Cobalt 9 :D

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