04 Фев 2014 00:42


When a user adds a record, and once it has been approved and published by admin, is it possible to send a notification to the user, letting them know their record has been published?

Would this be done through the "Following" option? And if so, is it possible have users automatically follow their own record?



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
04 Фев 2014 05:07

Would this be done through the "Following" option?


Would this be done through the "Following" option?

And if so, is it possible have users automatically follow their own record?


Also please read how to setup to send email alerts


04 Фев 2014 17:43

I don't want users to access the notification settings page.

How can users automatically follow their own records without following everyone else's record in that section?

For example: When a user submits a new record, they are automatically following this record WITHOUT having to choose the option to follow.

You have a feature similar to this on this support forum. Above the "Post a comment" button I have the checkbox to "Follow" this post. Can something similar be added to my site, and then I can hide the checkbox using CSS? If so, how?

Also please read how to setup to send email alerts


I can't get this to work. Whenever I use the wget command, I get an email that says:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/jailshell: /usr/bin/wget: Permission denied

When I use this command: curl -A "websitecelcron" " http://onechurch.org.au/test14/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;task=cron.sendAlert&secret=onehall"

I don't get a notification email, instead I get this email:

Can you help me?


04 Фев 2014 19:41

Ok, I have found out how to do the first part.

But can you help me with the cron job problem?

The user IS getting the notification email notifying them that Admin has published their record. But Admin is NOT getting the original notification email notifying me that a new record has been added.

Here are the settings I have for this section:

Why would the user be getting the notification emails and not the admin?

Total posts: 13,748
04 Фев 2014 23:16

But Admin is NOT getting the original notification email notifying me that a new record has been added.

New record alerts are special alerts. You cannot get it because you follow this record because it is just created and no one follows this.

If you want to get new record alerts you have to go to Notification settings and subscribe to receive new records alert. Or other words follow section. You can also do it on section homepage

But Admin is NOT getting the original notification email notifying me that a new record has been added.

When I use this command: curl -A "websitecelcron" " http://onechurch.org.au/test14/index.php?option=com_cobalt& ;task=cron.sendAlert&secret=onehall"

I don't get a notification email, instead I get this email:

I think you need to contact your server admins to ask if you are allowed to run those commands.

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