22 Авг 2013 18:56


since a couple of days I am unable to sign in on this forum with my Twitter account :(

Anyone having this same issue?

Best regards,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Авг 2013 19:42

Had this problem 2-3 times. My issues were related to Browser cookies and Safari. It was not related to cookies with "mintjoomla" names in it! I tried to filter any suitable name space... finally I had to delete ALL cookies. Solved all problems in my case.

22 Авг 2013 21:03

Thanks pepperstreet,

Erased ALL cookies, restarted Firefox and still I am unable to sign in with Twitter.

I am able to sign in with a Google account.

This puzzles me:

I didn't sign in with Google when I posted my question.

Yet it is signed with the Google account name. WTF!

22 Авг 2013 21:06

This is why I hate using social media as the only option to sign in on a website :S

very disapointed

22 Авг 2013 21:26

Hi, its me "pepperstreet" :S

Do you get this message? Error creating authentication URL

Logged out for testing purposes. Now I can´t re-login with Twitter ?!?

22 Авг 2013 22:12


Hi, its me "pepperstreet"

Do you get this message? Error creating authentication URL

Yes :S

Total posts: 13,748
23 Авг 2013 02:07

I checked this and there is nothing I can do. This is Janrain issue.

23 Авг 2013 09:43

How to solve this?

This is a real bummer! I definitely have to use the twitter account, otherwise all my topics, notifications and bookmarks etc. are worthless. :O :(

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
23 Авг 2013 15:54

Pepper i've sent u a tweet with my e-mail contact, i need to talk to you about a project. Thanks

Total posts: 13,748
26 Авг 2013 02:28

Try again.

londoh VIP
Total posts: 137
26 Авг 2013 03:45

This is why I hate using social media as the only option to sign in on a website

very disapointed

+1 (but no social media pun intended - lol)

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