11 Июнь 2013 05:44

Tigra Socialboard is a brand new extension fomr Tigracon.com

you may test it here http://demo.tigracon.com/socialboard/

basically is a social board in pinterest style, very cool, and, as far as I have tested since now, well built too,

it comes also with an integration with Jomsocial, but I haven't tested it yet

the interesting thing is that they have already integrated it with Yootheme ZOO, so I guess that an integration with Cobalt would be possible

I just opened a thread on their forum here

and they promptly replied that they will take a look at Cobalt,

but I think that if you like socialboards and want to add your voice to my thread on their forum that would be better

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
11 Июнь 2013 15:40

Nican is that some kind of Social Networks dashboard? Like you can manage all social networks in only one place?

12 Июнь 2013 03:55

I think it's better if you test by yourself to understand how it works... think about pinterest, the style is similar, basically you may share contents in a pinterest style, also it comes with a fully responsive layout.

For what I see there is a standalone version with

personal profile - video sharing - photo sharing - link sharing - status sharing and maybe other features

than there is a ZOO integrated version where I think you can share ZOO items too

as I sais it'd also integrated with Jomsocial but I haven't tested that part yet

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2013 05:09

When we talk about integrations we start with discussion with the other side. And then make a decision :)

12 Июнь 2013 05:13

I mainly opened this topic to see if people here are interested and have the time to go on tigra forum to add their voice to mine, I understand both parties have to see if people are really inetrested before takign any decision

Total posts: 13,748
09 Янв 2014 09:53

Let's see what others think.

Работает на Cobalt