26 Май 2013 09:42

using url field ID for records composite title

the title generated does not link directly to the website inserted in URL field, but it redirect instead to the record full view

I understand this logic... but in order to be able to create a "bookmarks" section, where records are viewed only as list and never as full view, title should redirect directly to the website inserted in URL field

probably I can solve this but using 2 text fields instead then URL fields to generate website URL and label, then using those 2 combined to generate record title,

but to do this I need a completely customized records list template... and in my current project I have many types publishing in the same section, so I need to use a default list view template for all of them

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
27 Май 2013 02:16

If you use 2 different text fields you can turn off title as link in template parameters. the in composite title


Where [2] is a text field with URL and [1] is a link title.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Май 2013 04:55

BTW, is it possible to have this composite feature as an option in other fields? i.e. TextArea

right now I do not see any practical example to understand how it could be used.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Май 2013 22:46

I just do not see a sense to create composite line in text field for example just for the purpose of formatting fields into one row. I think that templates are much cleaner way to do this. This aproach may even confuse come people. Imagine someone asks. "How to place fields in to one row?" And you answer "You have to add text field and there input special default value with IDs in it. Do not activate it on the form you do not have to input anything, ..."

Would it sounds little bit strange?

Total posts: 13,748
27 Май 2013 22:48

Dimensions like L x W x H inches.

This is good example.

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