20 Май 2013 13:23

Hi Sergey and others.

I am using Cobalt 8 with great pleasure! It suits my needs very smoothly.

While using it I only encounter two problems I am not able to solve. It is probably just a thing in the settings, but I am not able to find it.

So it works like this: If a user is not logged in it all works perfect. But when a user is logged in:

  1. He can only view and search trough his own items. (when viewing a category, and when viewing the module that is suppost to display all the latest items, only his will be displayed. When searching trough the filter module he will only gets matching results he posted.)

  2. He get an error message stating "You have 0 articles to compare. Do you want to see compare view now?" in the category view. (although I am not using comparing. some how it gets activated.)

Furthermore I have a third question:

On your knowledgebase above all the items you have a neat box 'filter-worns' where you display wich filters are active, and users can disable them. I love it, and I wonder if this is a feature comming with the cobalt 8 pack, or not.

If so, how do I activate it,

and if not, how can I obtain it ;)

Thanks for your help guys!


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Май 2013 09:41
  1. He can only view and search trough his own items. (when viewing a category, and when viewing the module that is suppost to display all the latest items, only his will be displayed. When searching trough the filter module he will only gets matching results he posted.)

I am not sure if this is what you want or how it works but you can chage it by Article type submission parameter "Who can view". Not it will apply only new created article not to those that already exists. To change existing you have to edit them as admin and change access field to public.

  1. He can only view and search trough his own items. (when viewing a category, and when viewing the module that is suppost to display all the latest items, only his will be displayed. When searching trough the filter module he will only gets matching results he posted.)

  2. He get an error message stating "You have 0 articles to compare. Do you want to see compare view now?" in the category view. (although I am not using comparing. some how it gets activated.)

Looks like bootstrap is not loaded. Please, turn template compatibility mode on in global Cobalt config.

  1. He can only view and search trough his own items. (when viewing a category, and when viewing the module that is suppost to display all the latest items, only his will be displayed. When searching trough the filter module he will only gets matching results he posted.)

  2. He get an error message stating "You have 0 articles to compare. Do you want to see compare view now?" in the category view. (although I am not using comparing. some how it gets activated.)

On your knowledgebase above all the items you have a neat box 'filter-worns' where you display wich filters are active, and users can disable them. I love it, and I wonder if this is a feature comming with the cobalt 8 pack, or not.

If so, how do I activate it,

and if not, how can I obtain it

When you use advanced search or even simple search in cobalt you will see those boxes.

05 Июнь 2013 06:22

Hi Sergey,

I solved the second problem, but I think I was not clear on the other two. Sorry about that, let me try to explain it again:


A. When a user is not logged in, and views the category he sees all the (four) items in this category.

B. But when he logs in in the frontend, (login in private text) he will see on the same page only the items he created. -> and I would like to have him see all the items.

All the items are set to be displayed public, since they are displayed to a not logged in visitor at the website.

Could you please take a look at it, i cannot find a solution for this.

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For filtering I use mod_filter with geo input and some other fields. (I have a second question posted about this module)

the geo fields do not get a nice cancel button on them when activated, so I am looking for one of two solutions:

  1. 'worn' fields like you have in the mint knowledgebase, but activated when the filter module is used


  1. a warning message about activated filters like this suport site.

Is this possible? And if so, I cannot manage to make it happen, so can you tell me wat is the best way to do this?

I hope I stated my questions more clear now. Thanks anyway for your first answer! Hope I well get it better now.

All the best! Alwin

Total posts: 13,748
05 Июнь 2013 09:29

Access to your site is good but if you would give me a link would be even better :)

  1. 'worn' fields like you have in the mint knowledgebase, but activated when the filter module is used

This should be there automatically.

Provide me a link and I'll checл why it is not working.

Total posts: 13,748
06 Июнь 2013 03:48

3 filter indicator parameter was turned off in markup template parameters. Check it now.

1 This is because some of your records has default access gusts (5) rather than public.

08 Июнь 2013 05:53

Thanks sergey, Both problems are soved now!

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