18 Май 2013 10:07

I edited the submission fomr labels of one of my types inserting language variables (I am using defaul ttemplate for submission form)

first doubt:

I noticed taht opening the setting of another type I have, which is also using default template for submission form, if I open "customize" window I see that the labels have been changed for that other type too ...

is this normal?

I mean, if I customize the submission form "default" template for one of my types, I guess the customizations shouldn't be reflected to the other types, even if they are using the same template for the submission form.

BTW I am not sure that all the customizations have been reflected (I didin't check yet) but for sure the labels names have been reflected

second doubt

If i insert language variables for my labels in "default" submission form template, what happens when i update cobalt? they get overwritten and I have to do the work again?

it's generally better to use always a copy of the default template and not the original template?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
20 Май 2013 05:49

I noticed taht opening the setting of another type I have, which is also using default template for submission form, if I open "customize" window I see that the labels have been changed for that other type too ...

is this normal?

This is not normal. We had some issues with that. You need to open other type only one with &newkey=1234. This will reset all keys but you wil have to reconfigure all templates though.

Total posts: 13,748
20 Май 2013 05:50

If i insert language variables for my labels in "default" submission form template, what happens when i update cobalt? they get overwritten and I have to do the work again?

Settings are not overridden. They are saved in the json file in com_cobal/configs folder. You can even back it up just in case.

20 Май 2013 06:00

You need to open other type only one with &newkey=1234.

not sure to have understood... you mean I have to open the type in backend adding that string at the end of the URL?

Total posts: 13,748
20 Май 2013 07:12

not sure to have understood... you mean I have to open the type in backend adding that string at the end of the URL?

Exactly. Add it and click Apply. Then check you do not have it any more and edit your parameters. YOu will need to do it only once. ANd it is seldom when this happens.

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