17 Май 2013 09:05

not sure if it's a bug or my site template issue but... i just noticed a strange behaviour of the "gear" button appearing to the left of records titles

on records list it is not clickable for the firt item i the list, just fomr the second item and going on...

in some cases after refershing the page it's clickable, but not "immediately" the cursor icon change shape with some delay

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

18 Май 2013 06:33


this was due to my site template (rockettheme kirigamy)

the div containign the record title was overlapping the gear button and creating issues

this may happen in other rockettheme templates... so if you have this issue just add the following css override to your template custom css file

.items-leading h2, .items-row h2 {

    width: 90%;


this will change the width for the title of your record lists, so that the gear button has enough place to be clickable

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