16 Май 2013 05:17

it would be useful to have a field to add custom html

it is hidden in submit form, but it is visible in records list or full view (depending on the settings)

I remember something like this in old resources...

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Май 2013 10:57

HTML and TextArea fields have default values.

You can hide the LABEL for those fields.

You can even restrict the SUBMISSION for a certain user group/ACL. (this might result in a default message on the form "You cannot submit this field". You might replace it with an EMPTY custom message string).

Alternatively, you might copy/edit the default field form template. This should remove the field completely from your submission form.

Not sure, but in ME Resources you could exclude certain fields from display in default Submission Form template. That is not the case in Cobalt. Although, even this can be achieved in a custom template. You can unset and remove the field from the fields-loop. Maybe easier to create a Field template "hidden" ?!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Май 2013 14:58

Weird idea... if you need different HTML separators over and over again, and want to speed-up the creation and editing: Just use a simple Select field and pre-fill it with your HTML snippets (each Snippet in 1 line!)

Simple example:

17 Май 2013 03:10

that's smart!

using language variables we could also add rich html, with images also... if I understand well the multilanguage tutorial written by Sergey,

and also using language variables we could insert different html elements for each language

Total posts: 13,748
17 Май 2013 07:26

You can do this with simple select. Just set break after label and no label. Use language constants and use HTML as translation.

18 Май 2013 03:57

yes, that works... I created a checkbox field with only one value checked by default

but a problem could be that the user see that value in submit form and he could uncheck it what I wanted to achieve is to be able to insert custom html and that the user has no access/control over it

I know I can do this by creating a custom template, but I am trying to achieve it with the default template (using a field) because it would be very much more flexible (eg I can move that custom html just moving the filed on the fields order,

I can change the html content without having to edit the tmeplate, and I can use default template in general for types... which is always better in term of flexiblity)

Total posts: 13,748
20 Май 2013 00:01

Unfortunately we do not plan to add field like separator. We think that this things have to go to template. Fields that do not have form display and yet only for HTML output purposes are considered as no a fields but templates.

By the way you can use groups as separators.

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