In video field video inserted with "link" mode (youtube i-frames and so on)
have no space one after the other (if more than one video is inserted)
I tried to modify
components/com_cobalt/fields/video/tmpl/output/default.php template
by creating a custom template, but I am not sure where to insert a
div to create a space between one video and another one
this is the template code
<div id="video-block<?php echo $key;?>">
<div id="destr<?php echo $key;?>" class="video-block" style="display: none;"><div id="mediaplayer<?php echo $key;?>"></div></div>
<div id="htmlplayer<?php echo $key;?>">
<div class="progress progress-success progress-striped">
<div class="bar" style="width: 100%"><?php echo JText::_('V_LOADING');?></div>
Just to see I tried to insert a
here and there, but it doesn't work...
any suggestion?
In video field video inserted with "link" mode (youtube i-frames and so on)
have no space one after the other (if more than one video is inserted)
I tried to modify
components/com_cobalt/fields/video/tmpl/output/default.php template
by creating a custom template, but I am not sure where to insert a
div to create a space between one video and another one
this is the template code
Just to see I tried to insert a
here and there, but it doesn't work...
any suggestion?