08 Май 2013 05:30


I am using the Register field in one of my form. However if I select the login form, the login form is shown alongside the user input for register box. However the login form does not have any Submit button. Is it the usual behaviour not to have submit button on login form. Any idea what is the use of loginform without submit button?

Also another thing to point out here is , if we can able to register in addition to adding some customised fields in the register form. Is it possible?. For example if I want to create an avatar with image field on the same page of register, will it be saved?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2013 05:47

Is it the usual behaviour not to have submit button on login form. Any idea what is the use of loginform without submit button?

Submit article will be login button as well. It will automatically submit record and login.

Is it the usual behaviour not to have submit button on login form. Any idea what is the use of loginform without submit button?

For example if I want to create an avatar with image field on the same page of register, will it be saved?

This is what I was afraid when discussed this field. I know that if you create simple registration then people will ask for additional fields, then for synchronization of fields with JomSocial and Community Builder, then for profile manager, then for user groups, .... The list is endless. And we agreed that we only provide simple registration form. Minimum fields. :)

08 Май 2013 05:58

Submit article will be login button as well. It will automatically submit record and login.

Thanks Sergey. Can I have the Submit button underneath the Login Form?

Submit article will be login button as well. It will automatically submit record and login.

This is what I was afraid when discussed this field. I know that if you create simple registration then people will ask for additional fields, then for synchronization of fields with JomSocial and Community Builder, then for profile manager, then for user groups, .... The list is endless. And we agreed that we only provide simple registration form. Minimum fields.

Ya I can understand this. But I think the minimum should be at least the Avatar field and Joomla Group. We already have Joomla Group enabled, but having an avatar image upload will be definitely a plus.

08 Май 2013 06:01

Submit article will be login button as well. It will automatically submit record and login.

One thing I also noticed that the when you click submit or save , you get a blank page. Is there any settings to tell users with some message?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
08 Май 2013 06:15


see history of this field here


08 Май 2013 10:02

Thanks for the link.

I think there is a bug present in the register field. Here are the steps:

1) Set up to use Captch-Recaptcha in the global configuration as default captcha

2) Select either default or Captch-Recaptcha on the cobalt configuration page

3) Create a field of Register type

4) Enter all information except leaving the captch field empty

5) Click Save button

You get a message saying as below:


Login denied! Your account has either been blocked or you have not activated it yet.


Login has failed

You did not pass the challange.

Now check in the backend in user section. you will see that the user is created but without any activation. It is bypassing the captcha validation.


08 Май 2013 10:14

Also if you use recaptcha and even if you have entered correct public and private recaptcha key in plugin, you will get the message as below:


Login denied! Your account has either been blocked or you have not activated it yet.

ReCaptcha plugin needs a public key to be set in its parameters. Please contact a site administrator.


Login has failed

Empty solution not allowed.

And the user record is created. I think it should not bypass the captcha and second thing is if you use recaptcha , theere is some issue with captcha public key, looks like it is not getting the value from the plugin.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2013 10:30

I change Register field and made it so that user is activated before login. SHould not be a problem now even on form error. Just login user and then edit record already without register field.

08 Май 2013 10:54

I change Register field and made it so that user is activated before login. SHould not be a problem now even on form error. Just login user and then edit record already without register field.

Thanks Sergey. But I think it is best idea not to bypass the captcha field due to spam things. Can we not enforce users to enter in captcha before a record is created?


Total posts: 13,748
09 Май 2013 05:09

I cannot understand you want users to eneter captcha or not?

Total posts: 13,748
09 Май 2013 05:37

But captcha is already shown? Why to ask to chow it?

09 Май 2013 05:58

Hi Sergey,

I actually want captcha implementation. captcha is showing properly on the site, but it is not enforcing people to enter it. even if you dont enter anything in captcha box, the user record is still created.

11 Май 2013 03:29

any update

Total posts: 13,748
12 Май 2013 00:05

As we have tested user cannot add article unless pss through captcha successfully.

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