07 Май 2013 09:26

I am testing falang and mirror translation after reading Sergey tutorial


I have tested that falang is working, infact I can translate correctly menu items, joomla default articles and module titles

But I cannot understand why it is not working for Cobalt records

What I did was go in frontend, switch from italian to english language and edit one record

it does not work, the record gets edited, but no mirror copy is being created at all...

am I missing something?

Последние изменения: 14 Сен 2015

07 Май 2013 10:47

well... I am definitely missing something as afer 1 hour I am still struggling to solve this mistery

I can translate EVERYTHING with falang, but not cobalt records (and yes, I have cobalt content elements correctly installed)

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
07 Май 2013 22:48

I have not tried it myself, but have you installed the Falang integration?


08 Май 2013 02:19


08 Май 2013 04:11

Still struggling to solve this:

here is what I have done

installed falang

installed cobalt faalng integration (content elements)

activated, cinfgured and tested falang

falang is working (I see cobalt content elements in falang panel, I can translate menu items, cobalt categories, joomla articles and so on...)

I went in frontend

I went to this section =>> ~sarteano/NEW/it/1/category-items/3-sarteano/35-eventi-e-news

I switched fomr italina to english language

I opened one article

I edited the title adding "ENG" at the beginnig

I saved the article

I switched again language (back to italian)

the "ENG" article is there, while the original italian article is no more (so I didn't translate the article, just edited the original one)

I repeated again and again, double-checked every settings in backend, tested again... it's not working :O

Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2013 07:26

Sent email to falang. Let'see what they replay.

08 Май 2013 07:33

Thanks :)

08 Май 2013 07:36

so you have tested and it's just not my problem?

09 Май 2013 03:10

Sergey if you confirm that this is a falang/cobalt problem (you have tested and can reproduce it)

it would help me.

As i am bit in a hurry I will directly go on with parallel translation on my project, as I can't wait.

If instead you say it's just my problem and you can't reproduce it, then I may try to investigate a little more.

Thank you

Total posts: 13,748
09 Май 2013 04:52

I did not tested it before. I know that Falang is forked from JoomFish. So I though it should work.

But today I have received confirmation that this is not working in Falang but they will have a look into it.

09 Май 2013 05:08

ok then, I will wait until next week to decide what to do, please update this topic when you receive an answer

thank you

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Март 2014 23:28

Topic is open... Still any issues?

Total posts: 13,748
17 Март 2014 05:56

As far as I know falang still do not support translation during edit as it was in joomfish.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Март 2014 13:28

Sergey falang still do not support translation during edit

Sorry, what do you mean by "during edit"?

(Still confused by the FaLang Cobalt workflow. What is best practice for "Records" translation? Cobalt is frontend, Falang is backend...)

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2014 03:27

Joomfish could do one very cool thing. You could translate whole article by simply editing it on the language you need. For example you have english article. You switch to german, edit this article and it is saved in german.If you switch language back to english, article content will be changed.

But falang does not have this feature although it is a fork from joomfish.

It turns out you cannot translate articles with falang at all.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Март 2014 23:42

Sergey It turns out you cannot translate articles with falang at all.

1.) What manages the language switch from article-DEU -> article-EN ?! FaLang, Joomla or Cobalt itself? When I am viewing a GERMAN article... what happens if I switch the language to ENGLISH:

  • a) if both articles exist
  • b) if english article is missing

BTW, Falang seems to have no "missing article plugin", but Joomfish did?! The other commercial Joomfish fork called "Lantern Fish" still has this important plugin.

2.) If FaLang manages Cobalt in:

  • Categories
  • Content Types Fields
  • Content Types Fields Groups
  • Content Sections
  • Content Types

But many parts like Field values, labels and template-labels should be translated via J! CORE LANGUAGE OvVERRIDES... as stated in the Cobalt documentation.

3.) Conclusion and more Questions:

  • Why not using J! core alone?! Even for displayed Section and Category titles etc.
  • Why using FaLang at all if there is such a limited and mixed support?!
  • What are the options or limitations for All media, like images, files, audio? Possible to re-use media across languages... or even have different media for certain types (images that include language specific infos).

Total posts: 13,748
20 Март 2014 07:47

pepperstreet Why not using J! core alone?!

In fact right now this is how we use. We do not use falang at all. We can ctranslate almost everythign through language overrides. And content is not translatable anyway.

So falang is somethign Cobalt does not need at all.

pepperstreet 1.) What manages the language switch from article-DEU -> article-EN ?! FaLang, Joomla or Cobalt itself? When I am viewing a GERMAN article... what happens if I switch the language to ENGLISH:

  • a) if both articles exist
  • b) if english article is missing

This is depends on translation type is parallel or mirrored.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
20 Март 2014 19:13

Sergey So falang is somethign Cobalt does not need at all.> Sergey ... This is depends on translation type is parallel or mirrored.

Please, can you answer my previous comments and questions in more detail?

Since the whole Cobalt multi-language solution and also the docs explain everything "mixed", I can't really see a clear solution. I already build 2 demo installations.

For instance, if FaLang is more or less useless. What are your reasons to use it anyway?

How to setup a multi-lingual Cobalt section WITHOUT duplicating the sec/cat structure and menus etc.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 09:41

pepperstreet What are your reasons to use it anyway?

For mixed trandslations. For example you have forum. You want one section for all languages. But you want categories be translated when language is switched. So everything works the same, but categories, type name, fields labels and language leys are translated. Topic content still in only one language but UI change it.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Март 2014 09:52

Sergey For example you have forum. You want one section for all languages. But you want categories be translated when language is switched. So everything works the same, but categories, type name, fields labels and language leys are translated

This is exactly what IS confusing. Isn't it possible to pass Section/Category/Type/ names through J! translation... I mean, replace them with JText?! Following the docs, J! language overrides are used in almost all areas. Labels, FieldGroups etc.

I do have to install FaLang for Sec/Cat names only?!? Sounds like overhead to me.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2014 10:06

pepperstreet sn't it possible to pass Section/Category/Type/ names through J! translation

No. Because original names may be not in inglish. Not even that. We store names of categories on article save and we wat to chow difefrent names with different language for the same article.

Anyway, it would be possible to path category names through JText but we do not do that in the code. At least field labels are passed I think. But if we add it then nswer is yes you can use overrides instead of Falang.

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