05 Май 2013 07:07


I have 2 "records modules" published in the same page

here ~sarteano/

  • each one is configured to display records from different types and sections

  • each one has a different custom template assigned

  • these 2 custom templates are created with fields by ID

  • the css classes used in these 2 custom templates are different and have different class names

when these 2 modules are published in the same page I see some kind of css conflict (one of the module classes is being overwritten by the other module classes), which is strange as the class names for the 2 templates used are different

non conflict instead if I assign to 1 of the 2 modules a default template

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

05 Май 2013 12:38


it seems to me that what is happening is that the entire template.php file of one of the module is overwriting the other module

I have

module 1 (contents from type 1) =>> "template1.php" template (choosen in module settings)

module 2 (contents from type 2) =>> "template2.php" template (choosen in module settings)

but what is happening is that "template1.php" template is being used both for module 1 and module 2,

infact for module 2 not only it load the wrong css classes, but it also doesn't find the fields values

05 Май 2013 13:00

I made some more experiments... it seems that this issue is happening even if I use default templates (not customized) for both the modules... one of the module choosed templates is being used also for the other one, even if I set a different template type to be used for each module

so this should not be having something to do with my customized templates I guess

05 Май 2013 13:11

I played with the modules settings for the past hour, I don't think the issue is due to something there

all left to test for me is with joomla default template (currently I am using Kirigamy rockettheme responsive template)

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 06:23

So does it work no or not?

06 Май 2013 07:57

nope, it does not work

06 Май 2013 08:05

basically what happens to me (and maybe you can test on your test site)

is that when 2 modules are published in the same page

and each one of them use a different template to display records

one of the module templates gets overwritten by the other one

this is happening using both custom and default templates

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 09:58

And this is the same section modules right?

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 10:07

I have tested mut I cannot reproduce. Can you give me access so I'll check it there.

06 Май 2013 10:32


Скрытый текст

module on top of the page, below menu = ID 111

module in right sidebar = ID 103

modules are configured to get contents from different sections AND different types

both of them have also category restrictions

and as I said both of them have different custom templates assigned

(but also with default templates I notice the issue)

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 12:08

I am not sure why but I set table template and it works now. I have made some changes to this module, let's see if it will work after next update on Thursday.

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