05 Май 2013 06:35

How can I add a link to the records section at the bottom of the list of articles displaied in the module?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
05 Май 2013 21:41

Good point. Maybe it should be a standard module parameter?! Since the Section selection is mandatory, the proper URL and link could be created automatically. It was also available in ME Resources ;-)

(Temp workaround: You will have to choose and edit the template. Maybe copy one that suits your needs, rename it for your module purpose... and add the proper list view URL and title in the template markup.)

06 Май 2013 02:50

Yes, but in this way I must use a different templates for modules shwoing records from different sections... or am I wrong?

while if it was a standard module parameter you could maybe use the same template for several modules.

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 06:21

You cannot. Because there is not sections lists that can show the same conditions lists. It is possible only in module.

Total posts: 13,748
07 Май 2013 10:23

Sorry, don´t understand. Why can´t it be an additional module parameter that adds a link after the list output?

There is no URL parameter that would create list of articles like in module.

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