05 Май 2013 02:43


I want to disable "post new content here" link and user menu in general, because I only want to use custom user menu in site sidebar.

SO I have created a "create new record" menu item in this custom user menu, but it seems not possible to set this so that the user can choose in which section to post; I can only enter one section ID, no more.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
05 Май 2013 08:18

Hi nican,

I'm afraid this is not possible. :O

Why don't you create the following menu structure:

-> Crea Nuova Pagina in

--->Section 3

--->Section 4

--->Section 5

--->Section 6

Best Regards,


05 Май 2013 12:23

yes Jeff, that's what I did to solve the problem,

I was just wondering why it is not possible to be able to use only 1 menu items to post in several sections... but I am sure there is a technical explanation for that (it must not be so easy as I think to do)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
05 Май 2013 21:27

Actually, you can enter more than one section ID in the parameters. The submission URL lists them, but it seems to use the FIRST ID# in your comma-separated list. Technically it should be even possible to submit to multiple sections, because you can allow the same type for different sections ;-) SO, this might be the source of your thought and setup...

As long as submit parameters allow your type in multiple sections, and allow to submit to root section... (no category selection by user!), it should work. As I mentioned, it does save the article in the FIRST section ID# only. In regards of a manual submission link and this particular case, you might call it a "bug"...

On the other hand, its somewhat weird to submit into such a structure?

**PS: Really curious about your usecase and purpose. Can you explain it in more detail?


Cobalt structure has the Section as a root. In general, you want this root to be the logical "top". It can contain a nested category structure with limits, one or even multiple types. If you need a more splitted structure in regards of "folders" or "logical sections", I would consider sub-categories.

**Second thought... in regards of the build-in usermenu and its submission links:

Cobalt needs to show the proper submission form and at least one logical location for storage. This is at least the section-root and/or sub-categories. Multiple sub-categories just work with user selection. So, if you have assigned **multiple sections, you can´t even show the multiple Sections and their sub-categories in the select box, AFAIK.

Maybe my mind is to limited or i miss something important ... please enlight and correct me ;-)

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
05 Май 2013 21:45

Thanks Pepperstreet for the technical extract, I didn't want to go there :)

PS: Really curious about your usecase and purpose. Can you explain it in more detail?Yes, that is the real question here. I'm very curious in term of usability

06 Май 2013 02:48

PS: Really curious about your usecase and purpose. Can you explain it in more detail?

Cobalt structure has the Section as a root. In general, you want this root to be the logical "top". It can contain a nested category structure with limits, one or even multiple types. If you need a more splitted structure in regards of "folders" or "logical sections", I would consider sub-categories.

so I should just proceed like this maybe

Section =>> Home

Category => 1

Subcategry =>> 1A

Subcategory =>> 1B

Subcategory ==> 1C

Category =>> 2

Subcategry =>> 2A

Subcategory =>> 2B

Subcategory ==> 2C

instead of trying to do this:

Section => 1

Category =>> 1A

Category =>> 1B

Category ==> 1C

Section =>> 2

Category =>> 2A

Category =>> 2B

Category ==> 2C


I think I tried to do the last example because i didn't want my url to appear like this


but I wanted them like this


Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 06:20


Right. It will be little bit new for you but Cobalt natively supports multi type section. So you can restrict every type to be submitted only to allowed categories (category limit) which is also there in Resources but you also can manage what submission type (post here new ....) button to show in cobalt section menu on every category page.

You can also disallow users to select category.

Because in your case if type is the same and you have categories why to make different links in menu and not just select category on the form.

06 Май 2013 08:00

I understand Sergey, as I said I was just trying to optimize the URLs, but it's not so important

06 Май 2013 09:56

Anyway... I think that "Multiple sections" submission would be useful for multilanguage sites which use parallel translation method (default joomla method)

here is why:

let's say that I design the following section/categories structure:

English (section for english contents)

Category English 1

Category English 2

Italian (section for italian contents)

Category Italian 1

Category Italian 2

and let's say that I want to translate from english to italian a content which is published in "category english 1"

the quickes way would be to open that content, select "category italian 1" and click "save as copy"

and after that just go on translating the text

but... this is not possible , as it is not permitted to "move" a content from a section to one another

or to save a copy of a content in a different section

at least, it is not possible for what I have understood since now...

so if using parallel translation method a user is always forced to create a completely new content, which means uploading again the photos, configuring again the google map and so on... even if those fields are exactly the same ones of the content he is going to translate.

I also know there is the possibility to use "mirror translation method" instead (eg using falang component) but I suspect that this may create issues for "cobalt records modules", or for modules like "smartslider", which are not able to retrieve correctly the contents only in the site current language, and they end up mixing content in all the languages... at least, this is what was happening with Resources and mirror translation method (joomfish)

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 09:57

I think best way to optimize urls is finally create your own router. This wil be the most appropriate way to optimize URLs..

06 Май 2013 10:02

A solution to this would pheraps be to use this section/category structure instead

Home Section (section for all contents)

Category English

SubCategory English 1

SubCategory English 2

Category Italian

SubCategory Italian 1

SubCategory Italian 2

this way I would be able to copy a content form english category to italian category

to display a content list in just one language I will have to use "external url" method and point to the category link, not to the section or I will have contents in both languages displaied

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