04 Май 2013 03:03


I have recently bought this product. This is a fantastic cck, has everything what you need.

I am having an issue with the template configuration. I have few sections, however when I use same template in one section, then I cant set different parameters for another section using same template. Is it possible to use same template in multiple Sections with different parameters settings? Ican copy the template and use different parameters for the new one, but the problem with this approach is that when I update, my copied template wont update (please correct me if I am wrong)

Kind Regards


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
04 Май 2013 03:16


this is one of the highlights of Cobalt 8 against the former versions.

You can use the same template in different sections and use different parameters for each section.

No need to copy the template anymore.

I'm highly recommending the advanced table template from the template pack, if you are looking for a universal list template.

Yes, if you copy your template, it will not update, when you update your Cobalt installation. This might be an advantage as well.

My personal approach in an installation is like this:

I made a copy of the advanced table template an added some more features to it. Now every time a new version of the advanced table template comes out, i check for the changes and apply them to my modified template.

04 Май 2013 03:50

Hi Sackgesicht,

Thanks once more for your kind reply. I tried with the map template and it does not work. I have not tried with others. Is it only the advanced template that works?

Also if I copy and make a new template and when there is an update do i need to copy/change php and xml file only ? or is there any other files too to be updated?

Kind Regards


Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
04 Май 2013 04:17


the way Cobalt handels the templates and its settings does not depend on the individual template itself.

If you have a template (like the map template) you can "reuse" it where ever you want and save it in each location with different settings.

You can find an excellent article about templates in Cobalt here

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 01:28

Thanks once more for your kind reply. I tried with the map template and it does not work

With map template this depends. If you mean to hide article author and creation date in marker info window then yes those parameters does not work. But remember info window is like full article view rather than list view that is why list view template parameters are not applied.

Please, tell what parameter do you mean does not work?

06 Май 2013 08:53

With map template this depends. If you mean to hide article author and creation date in marker info window then yes those parameters does not work. But remember info window is like full article view rather than list view that is why list view template parameters are not applied.

I tried to install a fresh joomla 3.1 default template prostate. I installed latest cobalt and then created 6 sections. I am not sure if others have tested this issue or not properly. I used the default blog, map, default, table list template. The problem with me is when I change configuration in one template in one section, it works fine. However when I go to another section and use same template blog or map or table or default, I can see same settings which set for other sections. And when I made change to this section, the old one gets overwritten with this. So this is always getting overwritten and never can have two different settings for two different sections. I tested all this on fresh joomla default template and did not install anything extra.


Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2013 09:54

default template prostate

This is funny :)

default template prostate

So this is always getting overwritten and never can have two different settings for two different sections.

I have tested it but could not reproduce this. Could you please provide me login access I will check?

What I did is created 2 sections and in markup template change alphaindex to digits.

07 Май 2013 05:11

Скрытый текст

Total posts: 13,748
07 Май 2013 10:32

Please tell me exact section names. because there is no connection between for sale and tenants section. Those are keep different parameters.

And please describe in details what you are doing like

  1. Open section tenants

  2. Edit markup template alphaindex parameter

  3. ...

07 Май 2013 10:44

Hi Sergey, True there is no connection, but the settings are overwritten. Here are the steps: here is the step:


1) open section For Sale Listing

2) Go to General Parameters

3) Go to Templates --> choose Blog see the settings there.

Step-2 then go to another section, for example Tenants Listing

Go to General Parameters

Go to Templates --> choose Blog Make changes to Exclude section save it

Step-3 Now go to 1) open section For Sale Listing

2) Go to General Parameters

3) Go to Templates --> choose Blog see the settings there.

Now this original setting which was set in step-1 is overwritten by step-2. This is just one of example. But eventually all templates behave same. Once you change the settings for one section, and when you use same template in another settings, you will see the settings are overwritten.


Total posts: 13,748
08 Май 2013 08:38

Got it. The problem is because packs you installed messed it up. We are fixing packer and you will have solution in the next version on Cobalt. You will have to add &newkey=12345 to section edit URL. But of course you will have to first save section and then reselect and reconfigure all templates parameters.

Also suggestion for packer. Do not pack default templates you used. because it is the same template no sense to pack it unless you made copy. And configuration will be copied even if template is not copied.

And if you make for example sale template you do not need attach pack number to template because it will be unique anyway.

I mean it really seldom situation when you need to attach pack number to templates. And almost always you do not need to include default templates. If you use default anyway just delete extra templates you are not using.

08 Май 2013 11:00

Got it. The problem is because packs you installed messed it up. We are fixing packer and you will have solution in the next version on Cobalt. You will have to add &newkey=12345 to section edit URL. But of course you will have to first save section and then reselect and reconfigure all templates parameters.

Hi Sergey,

When you say next release, do you mean release on tomorrow? also do I have to add &newkey=12345 to section edit URL each time I make config changes to template?


Total posts: 13,748
09 Май 2013 04:30

When you say next release, do you mean release on tomorrow?

Today actually :)

When you say next release, do you mean release on tomorrow?

also do I have to add &newkey=12345 to section edit URL each time I make config changes to template?

No, only one time to reset template configuration keys. And then do not use it any more. Unless you fall it to same problem again.

09 Май 2013 05:29

Great and thank you very much.

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