02 Май 2013 12:25


today Inoticed that gallery field on my website is not working anymore (it doesn't upload files)

after some trial and errors I can see that this must have something to do with the folder were images are being stored...

infact gallery field works correctly if I edit the gallery of a record which stores the images in april folder "/public_html/uploads/gallery/2013-04"

but it stops working if I try to use gallery field for a new record, which is supposed to store the images in folder


the first thing I checked was folder permissions, and infact at a first glance

I saw

gallery/2013-04 =>> 777

gallery/2013-05 =>> 144

so I changed gallery/2013-05 to 777

but this doesn't solve the issue

any suggestion?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
02 Май 2013 22:02

i just tried the latest gallery field here and it uploads as expected.

Are you using Rocketthemes Rokbooster?

Depending on the configuration, this plugin might create problems with Cobalt Upload. In case you are using it, try to disable and check upload again.

03 Май 2013 04:14

no, not rookbooster,

anyway today everything is working again... virtual-world misteries

Работает на Cobalt