18 Апр 2013 04:08


do you think you will provide content elemets xml files to support "falang" translation component?

Currently Joomfish is not yet compatible with joomla 3.0, while falang is.

I understand with Joomla 3.0 we can use joomla the default language management to manage translations in cobalt,

but it would be a great amount of work, as we will basically have to duplicate everything for every new language we want (category, types, custom templates if any, field values)...

while with falang it would be possible to manage translations extremely more quickly, without having to duplicate contents.



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

19 Апр 2013 06:46

Oh great!

sorry, I didn't know it was already there :-)

21 Апр 2013 07:41

I installed the content elements, but I don't see:

content element to translate fields values

I just see the one to translate fields labels

beside that, I'm not sure to understand how I can translate cobalt 8 records, as I don't see any content element for "records"

thank you,


Total posts: 13,748
22 Апр 2013 02:53

To translate records you have to switch to correct language on frontend and simple edit record

22 Апр 2013 03:49


I didn't get that falang had the ability to translate form frontend also, just like joomfish

and what about fields values?

I installed the content elements, but I don't see:

content element to translate fields values

I just see the one to translate fields labels

Total posts: 13,748
22 Апр 2013 06:22

Field values are translated along with record. If you mean fields values as those that you get on select you may use there keys. For example in select field




and in language overrides of Joomla language manager add this keys with translations.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Апр 2013 11:58

To translate records you have to switch to correct language on frontend and simple edit record ... Field values are translated along with record. ...

To translate records you have to switch to correct language on frontend and simple edit record ... Field values are translated along with record. ...

... values as those that you get on select you may use there keys. For example in select field SF1 SF2 SF3 ... and in language overrides of Joomla language manager add this keys with translations.

Very important and crucial infos! Please, could you add an article in knowledge area ?! Thanks in advance.

25 Апр 2013 03:41


I have just read your brand new tutorial about translation (great work!)

I have one question:

you wrote that Cobal can handle both translation methods (mirror and parallel)

I'd like to know if doing the following would work:

if in the same site

I use mirror translation to translate section name, type name and fields names

while I use parallel method to translate records

would this work?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Апр 2013 10:56

Will do.

That was a fast one ;-) Thank you!

[Knowledge Area - Cobalt Multi-Language Sites

]( http://www.mintjoomla.com/community/knowledge/user-item/43-sergey/238-cobalt-multi-language-sites.html )

Total posts: 13,748
25 Апр 2013 13:03

if in the same site

I use mirror translation to translate section name, type name and fields names

while I use parallel method to translate records

would this work?

Yes and I've mentioned it down article as mixed type. Especial parallel one inside mirrored. If you switch language mode in section to records only on current language you will see completely different set of article in the same section for different language.

And you can translate all labels and text values as described in mirrored method.

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