12 Апр 2013 11:04

Hi Sergey,

Value as Filter links don't redirect properly in the Record View:

http://mysite.com/index.php/albums?task=records.filter& ;filter_name[0]=filter_6&filter_val[0]=Music&section_id=1&cat_id=3&user_id=339

While it should be

http://mysite.com/index.php/albums?task=records.filter& ;filter_name[0]=filter_6&filter_val[0]=Music&section_id=1&cat_id=3&user_id=339

http://mysite.com/index.php/albums?task=records.filter& ;filter_name[0]=filter_6&filter_val[0]=Music&section_id=1&cat_id=3

without the "&user_id=339"

Is this a bug?

Best regards,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

dlbass93 VIP
Total posts: 44
14 Апр 2013 20:27

I think I have this same issue. When I am in the List view, filtering by items works perfectly. But when I am in the Record view, filtering by an item filters by the username instead of the item.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Апр 2013 03:38

This is because you have Personalization ON. When you open article in personalized section, it is another world. It is like you get into user home page. You can see user name in breadcrumbs and filter is going to user personal homepage article list.

Just turn off personalization and Cobalt will behave whole different.

15 Апр 2013 07:11

Ha,ha great to know & great stuff!


Best regards,


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