24 Март 2013 10:51

The pa create a bookmark system?


User A creates a given!

User X likes and favorite

Given the Created by A is the area's favorite X

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
24 Март 2013 12:07

not in cobalt 8 :(, strange but cobalt has not such feature

Total posts: 13,748
25 Март 2013 00:31

Why not? User kan rate articles and it is like LIKE system. And can add to bookmarks or repost which is also like favourite.

ron.du VIP
Total posts: 113
26 Март 2013 23:48

Why not? User kan rate articles and it is like LIKE system. And can add to bookmarks or repost which is also like favourite.

i think its more than like and favourite :) repost seems any one can share any article with another member

Total posts: 13,748
27 Март 2013 06:29

i think its more than like and favourite repost seems any one can share any article with another member

This is what I mean. We have bookmark system and if this is not enough then repost may be used as bookmark.

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