13 Март 2013 08:31


since you've announced Komento's integration for Cobalt 8 in your roadmap, I was wondering what the status is.

Best regards,


Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
14 Март 2013 01:29

We were working very close with Komento developers to create adapter. But it turn out to be more complicated than we expected. Even with full documentation on Komento side it is still not ready. It also requires plugin for Komento not only adapter.

We will try to finish it, but not sure how soon.

14 Март 2013 05:08

Hi Sergey,

I want to use Komento because of these features:

  • Initially hide comment form & click to open
  • Publish comment to Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus
  • Latest comments module
  • Very sleak web2.0 styling out of the box

If any of these features can be reproduced within Cobalts' commenting system I would be greatly helped. I am still deciding which components to use for a new website. I need registered authors to not only to create their own articles but they also must be able to approve their comments before they are submitted. I'm also very interested in how this all interacts with Emerald, because I need users to extend their paid subscription for specific time periods.



Total posts: 13,748
14 Март 2013 10:32

Core Cobalt comments can allow article author to manage and moderate comments. you can also make comment template that will collapse comments on render.

But there is no Fb or Google integration.

What is your deadline for Kommento?

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
14 Март 2013 11:36
  • Publish comment to Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus

i think Cobalt lacks in social web features

14 Март 2013 21:07

Before the end of this month I need to have a full assessment ready which components to use for the new website. To be able to share articles and comments to Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus is a go-no-go factor in choosing components as well as a pay/subscription model per user generated article. (Pay/subscribe to show article for 1. one extra month 2. two extra months 3. etc)

I also need statistics pages /modules:

  • Latest Comments - Module (!)

  • Most Popular Articles - Page / module

  • Most Commented Articles - Page / module

I'm not tied to Komento yet, so if you can offer me (paid) custom coding to add social media links to comments and statistics pages/models, I might choose a sole Cobalt 8 solution.

The Komento deadline would preferably be before the end of this month or ultimately mid May.

One other big concern choosing Cobalt 8 at the moment are the SEF urls it generates:


Which should be: http://mysite.com/category/123/1-article-name

Or better: http://mysite.com/category/1-article-name

Best regards,


Total posts: 13,748
15 Март 2013 00:51

The Komento deadline would preferably be before the end of this month or ultimately mid May.

Does Komento works with Joomla 3.0? Can you give me access to your site I'll test integration there.

The Komento deadline would preferably be before the end of this month or ultimately mid May.

One other big concern choosing Cobalt 8 at the moment are the SEF urls it generates:


Which should be: http://mysite.com/category/123/1-article-name

Or better: http://mysite.com/category/1-article-name

You can manage that. You will just create copy of the routing file and delete user alias there.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
15 Март 2013 03:57

One other big concern choosing Cobalt 8 at the moment are the SEF urls it generates:


Which should be: http://mysite.com/category/123/1-article-name

Or better: http://mysite.com/category/1-article-name

I use mijo sef with cobalt plugin and my url look like http://mysite.com/category/1-article-name

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
15 Март 2013 06:09

Thanks Clowride, I'm gonna have a look at that. Do you think Mijo SEF is a good component? Regards, Jeff

yes, a really good, developper make update very often , cobalt extension for mijosef work very very fine, we have wordpress style url

Total posts: 13,748
15 Март 2013 06:24

Komento integration will be released next update as usual on every Thursday.

15 Март 2013 06:56

We will try to finish it, but not sure how soon.

Now we're sure! :D

Great news.....

btw.: Keep improving Cobalt's built in commenting system, because it has great potential. IMHO it needs social media sharing abilities (Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus) , a module to show the latest comments and an option to show the comment form (not the comments!) with a push on a button.

Thank You Sergey,


clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
15 Март 2013 07:00

Now we're sure!

Great news.....

btw.: Keep improving Cobalt's built in commenting system, because it has great potential. IMHO it needs social media sharing abilities (Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus) , a module to show the latest comments and an option to show the comment form (not the comments!) with a push on a button.

Thank You Sergey,

many good ideas and for sure,Cobalt 's built in commentng system has an amazing potential

Total posts: 13,748
15 Март 2013 10:57

Keep improving Cobalt's built in commenting system, because it has great potential.

We do not think so. It is even visible with Comment adapters. Comments are so important mechanism that people better chose facebook or discuss or komento. We believe that social comments is the future of comments.

Thus we do not plan any improvements on our built-in comment system.

15 Март 2013 16:01

We do not think so. It is even visible with Comment adapters. Comments are so important mechanism that people better chose facebook or discuss or komento. We believe that social comments is the future of comments.

Thus we do not plan any improvements on our built-in comment system.

we can not agree, you should not follow a concept but make a concept, we prefer cobalt comment, why ?

because it has features komento has not (show comment only to author and admin)

Seblod is popular for enterprises because it is a all in one solution ( http://www.seblod.com/support/documentation/1569-creating-a-qcomment-system-appq.html )

we use cobalt because it can do the thinks others solutions can not do and it is for that we will buy the 399 $ package

15 Март 2013 21:31

Hi Sergey,

although I acknowledge the growing importance of social comments - that's why I suggested publishing to them in the first place - I don't believe in relying on social comments completely if more than 30% of your site's content is generated by social content.

I like the idea of being an independent content provider whilst using the ability to push content to social media. Companies like Twitter, Facebook and even Google change there policies for the sake of their shareholders, which might result in us having to pay for user generated content. Yes, they offer great services and technology if used wisely, but I wouldn't completely rely on them, no matter how successful they are (right now).

You can not compare Komento with Facebook or Disqus, because Komento supports the philosophy of content ownership and pushing instead of pulling social media content.That is why I prefer Komento.

Incorporating publishing buttons to every comment in Cobald's commenting system shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, but I might be seriously wrong here, because I am not a programmer :D:

And that's all I have to say for now....



clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
16 Март 2013 06:11

Incorporating publishing buttons to every comment in Cobald's commenting system shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, but I might be seriously wrong here, because I am not a programmer :

Google: https://developers.google.com/ +/web/+1button/

Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/about/resources/buttons

And that's all I have to say for now....



i agree totally

Total posts: 13,748
18 Март 2013 03:34

I agree with you/ that all sounds reasonable. And in fact it is true Cobalt comments are only comment system to use if you want to manage who ca see what comments.

Incorporating publishing buttons to every comment in Cobald's commenting system shouldn't be too hard to accomplish

In fact it is not easy. Every sustem will heed a link. but comment does not have individual link. It will be link of a parent article. As a result user will get to the same page no matter what comment you publish.

I do not know how I would implement this in Cobalt comments. But if you have idea I am open.

18 Март 2013 20:29

Every sustem will heed a link. but comment does not have individual link. It will be link of a parent article.

The link to a parent article is all I need (which makes perfect sense) + perhaps an anchor link to the comment:


Is the following difficult to add to a comment?:

https://twitter.com/share " class="twitter-share-button" data-text="" data-via="mywebsite.com/category/1-article">Tweet

Best regards,


Total posts: 13,748
19 Март 2013 03:46

It is easy to do in custom comment template.

21 Март 2013 07:12

Hi Sergey,

installing the komento plugin results in the following errors during install:


JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist /home/myhomedir/public_html/tmp/install_514af83146207/kommento


Installing file was successful.

After selecting the komento comment adapter in Cobalt the following errors occur on the article page:


JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist /home/myhomedir/public_html/tmp/install_514af83146207/kommento


Installing file was successful.

Warning: include_once(/home/myhomedir/public_html/components/com_cobalt/library/php/comments/kommento/kommento.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/myhomedir/public_html/components/com_cobalt/library/php/helpers/comments.php on line 18

Best regards,


Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2013 23:48

I have fixed that. Please re-download either Cobalt pack or Komento adapter.

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