05 Март 2013 19:27

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
05 Март 2013 22:22

I do not think so. If we create special field, then perhaps. But now only using version control I do not think it is possible. I mean you can do that but not fully features wiki. I think for wiki better to use special extension.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
06 Март 2013 06:25

Please tell me, what is lacks in cobalt to be a wikipedia like ?

Total posts: 13,748
07 Март 2013 00:51

Please tell me, what is lacks in cobalt to be a wikipedia like ?

Version control is not good enough. In wiki publics have to be able to modify articles. If you have 3 modifications you cannot merge them. If in 3 modifications only last is correct then you cannot apply only last one. Last one will include all the changes before. In other words we do not have text line based version control.

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