25 Фев 2013 03:04

In browser URL Cobalt writes "/item/29-" (see attachment). Is it possible this to be removed somehow? I tried with sh404SEF and JoomSef but can't find solution. Can you tell what options should be enabled?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
26 Фев 2013 08:04

This is long discussed topic. It is possible to do only with 2dp SEF extensions and right now we have only mijosef integration. We will not do anything about that because it will require additional query for every link construction.

28 Фев 2013 06:09

Must inform you that I just bought and tested mijoSEF Cobalt extension and it works really great. I'm very happy!

Total posts: 13,748
28 Фев 2013 07:27

I am glad it worked for your satisfaction :D.

Работает на Cobalt