15 Фев 2013 13:42

2 things.

1) creating a CNOTREGISTERED language override does not change or display the override in the register field.

2) the standard txt that is displayed on the register fields says "You are not registerd. You will not be able to edit your post later."

registerd is misspelled it should read.

"You are not registered. You will not be able to edit your post later."

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
18 Фев 2013 06:59

2) I fixed error.

1) You can just fix language file in frontend.

22 Фев 2013 16:12

I see where the message alert was hard coded in

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So I just changed the message there. It would be nice instead of being hard coded if I could just do a language override on this so I don't have to change it each time I update.

Total posts: 13,748
26 Фев 2013 07:36

Everything that is in .json files you can change in parameters. this one should be in article submission form template parameters in content type parameters

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