Total posts: 13,748
10 Фев 2013 05:24

This is from their news

There is a small caveat however. But only when you decide to kill the item ID from the URL. K2 will have to execute an additional database query for EVERY K2 link rendered on any page with K2 content on your site.

As I have already mentioned to you my friend many many times, there is no way to improve Cobalt URLs witout running additional query for every cobalt link displayed. If we would afford, we would have that king of routing.

But I'll tel you last time and please, stop asking me about SEF improvements from this point on. Ok? :D


We officially will never support SEF that involves DB queries. K2 has already sluggish problems with already 1000 articles it requires optimisation.

Please, I beg you, if you want better sef, just pester sef404, AceSef or other SEF extensions, not us :)

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
10 Фев 2013 07:07

see the comment from the K2 blog:

There is a small caveat however. But only when you decide to kill the item ID from the URL. **K2 will have to execute an additional database query for EVERY K2 link rendered on any page with K2 content on your site. **Additionally, if 2 or more K2 items share the same "title alias" and exist on the same category, when you see these 2 or more items on the same page and click any of them, you'll always be redirected to the first item that is matched in the database (cause the matching is done by "title alias" and not ID anymore). For small sites this is not a big deal and the performance hit is next to nothing. But on sites with more than a few dozen items this can get tricky. **For sites with thousands of items the performance hit is simply not worth it. **So if you can live with the item ID being present on the K2 item URLs, you can now have better looking and search engine friendlier URLs on your Joomla!/K2 site.

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