07 Фев 2013 14:34

Currently the filters module allows users to search through 1 section. Is it possible to create a search box that can search through all of the sections?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
08 Фев 2013 00:25

No it is impossible. Sections are totally isolated one from another. I mean there is no way to show list of articles from all sections. And filters also does not make sense there. because we cannot show all the possible fileters of all types. That will be a mess. And if there is only one type in all sections, then what it the purpose to have same type in different sections, why not make category structure.

There is only one what to search through all cobalt records is to use Joomla global search and install and activate Cobalt search plugin.

08 Фев 2013 10:34

Ok, I get what you mean and why it makes sense they should be isolated. My goal was to just search by title across all sections. I didn't want any filters applied. I think the global joomla search may be the best way to accomplish this. Thanks.

11 Фев 2013 08:18


It seems I might be looking for a way to search through all category and sub-category names inside a particular section, would Joomla Search be applicable in this case?

Total posts: 13,748
12 Фев 2013 01:11

It seems I might be looking for a way to search through all category and sub-category names inside a particular section, would Joomla Search be applicable in this case?

Yes Michael, it would work. But there is also filter mode in Section main parameter. If you set it through all section, then no matter where you start your search it will always look in all section.

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