24 Янв 2013 08:37
  1. I need to translate Cobalt Forum to Slovene language, words like: Category, Topics, Comments, Last,Subject, Author, Replies, views,Closed topic read, .... I tried with Joomla Language Override, I can't find solution. Where can I find files to translate?

  2. Is it possible for Fields to use Yootheme class, like Module Class Suffix: style-box effect-on, etc.?

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
24 Янв 2013 08:40

1) add to Joomla overrides


This is how it displays

2) I think those a module classes. But i think with custom template you can use it. Tell me more about those classes and what they are doing.

24 Янв 2013 11:04
  1. I don't understand, do you mean language override (Extensions/Language Manager/Overrides) or something else? Can you tell me more specifically?

  2. Idea is to use Yootheme module class suffix (see attachment) to design field (maybe in Edit Field/Field Class).

Total posts: 13,748
24 Янв 2013 22:58

1) yes that is exactly what I mean. (Extensions/Language Manager/Overrides)

2) I do not think it will work this way.

25 Янв 2013 03:45
  1. Work OK, a few words to translate - on image1.jpg: "Name" in comments. How can I remove button Quote?

  2. On image2.jpg: to translate words: By, On and words below (Sticky read, Sticky Unread, etc...), or even to remove them?

  3. I search how to do it to unregistered user (Public) to print record (to see print icon)? How can record be printed without comments?

Total posts: 13,748
25 Янв 2013 07:21

1) This have to be translated in Cobalt language file key CQUOTE. The same with Name and email fields.

2) By and ON translated in language files and list of topic icons also language overrides.

3) I am not sure it can be printed without comments. :)

26 Янв 2013 03:36
  1. CQUOTE translated well. But "Name" and "Email" don't go. I tried in "en-GB.com_cobalt.ini", then I searched everywhere but can't find file. I override CNAME also. No success.

  2. OK, but how can it be Public printed with comments included?

Total posts: 13,748
26 Янв 2013 22:29

1) then add Name or Email to overrides.

3) There is print button in article full view.

27 Янв 2013 08:20
  1. I added it before, but unfortunatelly it has no effect, l think language is very important.

  2. It's true, but only registered users can see it, it would be fine that everyone could print a record.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Янв 2013 22:32

3) it is a parameter of article full view template. Just change it.

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