04 Янв 2013 09:51


A demo site for your extensions would be nice to see whats possible, and "how is it working", and how to make a site with content display like xx.

Also i think its important to make a more frontpage for MintJoomla, and productpages that have more images and is higlighing important functions and so, then i think you could made more sales.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
06 Янв 2013 09:33

Agree. We update our demoserver this mons to Joomla 3.0

06 Янв 2013 16:44

Super, nice to see how-is-it-working :)

I always have problems, from 2007, to understand some features, and to explore some, as i was in the late of i used Resources, still explored new features. - then would a good demosite be good.

27 Март 2013 17:50


Total posts: 13,748
28 Март 2013 00:49

Later when we make at least something.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Авг 2013 01:34

Very crucial, IMHO.

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