03 Янв 2013 14:55

Hi Sergey,

You have done an awesome job with Cobalt 8 and I don't regret a penny. However, in order to fulfill the needs of all demanding customers, you have to pay more attention to documentation. Let's say a manual could wait until the extension becomes stable, but the contextual help for every option is a must have.

It takes plenty of time for a new comer until he/she get used with the extensive amount of options this software provides. Some options are self explanatory so far, but a little notice for each of them won't hurt much.

Also, another suggestion is to provide examples of workflows. Not now, later. But it's a good way to start and why not, give us new ideas. Maybe this can also involve this little active community.

Lastly, your English is good and you make yourself understood, but I'm sure you can do much better over time.



Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
03 Янв 2013 16:59


as a first start, take a look at this section on MintJoomla's website: Community Knowledge

I am sure it will expand over time with the help of this community ... :D

Total posts: 13,748
03 Янв 2013 21:06

Yes, Marius,

Documentation is still our weak point. We rae working on that. In fact full manual with every parameter explained is not very usable either. We had one for Mighty Resources. That was not very inspiring. We think that people can get most from user case articles where some parameters are explained in perspective of real task. Which make it really explanatory. We want to keep this path and add more articles to our Community Knowledge. And we also welcome everyone who have already passed some steps in understanding Cobalt add articles there to help other users to start.

Работает на Cobalt