31 Дек 2012 09:19


I cant get out of how its going to be used, and i cant find any documentation about it.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
31 Дек 2012 19:52


to create groups for your fields, go to your TYPE and click on "Manage Groups".

Just create them now by clicking on the "New" button and reorder them by "Drag'n drop" through the handle.

Groups are used to organize your TYPE-fields. You can use the group-feature in form and display templates to group fields by tabs, slider etc.

When you create fields, you can assign groups to the individual fields.

I hope this will get you started ..

31 Дек 2012 19:54

Aha, thanks! Now i see the point :)

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
31 Дек 2012 19:56

Here an example, where to use the Group-Feature:

Submission form template under TYPE parameter to determine how the groups will be displayed.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Янв 2013 01:54

Thank you for article

09 Янв 2014 19:14

This is really informative, but it does not explain how to adjust whether you want the grouped items to be displayed as tabs, sliders, etc. Is this done by editing templates? Also, why must there be a required field called "Title"? Is that because this is technically an article? How can we avoid this?


Total posts: 13,748
09 Янв 2014 23:43

Is this done by editing templates?

There is template parameters. But idea is yeas it is to be used in templates.

Is this done by editing templates?

Also, why must there be a required field called "Title"?

This field is not required. In type parameters you may turn title off.

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