baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
23 Апр 2017 01:12

Does anyone think about selling e-book files with Emerald?

Well, we know that Emerald can work with downloading management system like "Remository" or "jDownloads", to let users download an e-book file after he purchased a plan in Emerald. This way is good.

However, since we are selling "e-book", you should know that many people want to read the book (if in .mobi or PDF format) on his Amazon Kindle device. Instead of let the user download the file and then copy it to his Kindle device, directly sending the e-book file to his Kindle device is better option.

This idea is feasible because: Amazon allowes Kindle users combind one email address with his Kindle device. Then, anything as "email attachment" to that email address will then be forwarded to his Kindle device as a book. The user just need to turn on his Kindle and connect to WIFI, then Kindle will automatically download that book.

But, the "combind email adress" is not always the same as his registered email address on your Joomla website. So we need to offer a "custom field" in such a ebook-selling plan, to let the user input his prefered combinded email address for receiving the ebook attachment.

Then, after the user finished his payment to that plan, Emerald will check for his "email address combinded with Kindle" value, and send specified e-book file to that email address.

Certainly, the user also can download that file (or the same book in other format) from the webpage on your Joomla website.

Well, I think if we want to have such a new feature, Emerald team should provide following new extensions:

  1. A new "Fields" type extension named "email address", to allow the user input his "email address combinded with Kindle".
  2. A new "Action" type extension named "Send file to email box", to allow the Site Admin specify an e-book file (local file or remote file), which will be sent to the email address collected by above new field automatically if the purchase is finished.

Hope you will agree with me and develop such a feature.

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 18 Июнь 2017

Total posts: 13,748
24 Апр 2017 12:00

I do nto think it is possible. How can I do action? I do not know which extension, how it store files and so on. I'll have to create action for every extension.

I think this is should be done on the side of extension that distribute files. Emerald does not know what it sells. And this is why it is so versatile. It works with anything. But this feature, it direct emerald to specialised content management. It is not Emaerald's job. Emerald fo saling. If you need to send item that was sold my mail, email, extension that have it should do.

Emerald does not know what it sells.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
28 Апр 2017 01:06

I think you did not understand my descriptions.

The "Action" plugin only do one thing: send a file (as email attachment) to the e-mail address, and, the path and filename of the "file" should be input by the Site Admin himself, and the "email address" should be input by the subscriber of that plan when he purchasing it.

So, Emerlad does NOT need to detect any extension or any file or any email address, the "file" and the "email address" will be provided by site admin and the buyer respectively. If they don't input such infomation, they will got warning when saving:

You did not provide a valid file for attachment, then we can not send any file to subscriber's Kindle device. Are you sure you want to proceed?


You did not provide a valid email address for Kindle device, so we can not send this file to your Kindle device. Are you sure you want to proceed?

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Май 2017 14:48

If we are talking about action that send selected file on success subscirption, it is easy to do.

With only one limitation. Files wil be selected from dropdown list from fixed folder. You will have to uplod files there before create action.

Is that ok?

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
13 Май 2017 00:01

Yes, of course the Site Admin have to upload the file to specified folder by FTP, before creating the Action.

Well, if you allow to input the relative file path (like: downloads/books/category2/ ) , that will be nice. Because maybe I just want to use the same file which had been assigned for the downloading management component.

If you just allow to choose file from a fixed folder, then maybe I need to upload the same file twice: one for the download system (to another folder), one for the Kindle Action (to another folder).

Can we just upload the same file one time and use it in different components just by the same "path"?

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Май 2017 11:25

I can make manual file path no problem.

I have added this parameter to alert action. So you send email and you can attach file.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
27 Май 2017 01:04

Well, maybe you don't use Kindle so don't know the work flow of "how to send a e-book file to your Kindle".

Files should be sent to a specific email address, which was generated by Amazon website, yes, in fact like a "virtual email address", then this ebook file can be downloaded to Kindle hardware device for reading.

This means, you should NOT send this e-book file as an attachment to the email address which was set as the receiver as Emerald alert emails, unless this is the SAME email address as the Kindle specific one. Well, people seldome do this because that email address can not work like a normal email box.

So, please read my first post on this topic again, you need to create a new form field to allow the subscriber to fill in his Kindle-specific email address. And then the new Action plugin will send the ebook file to this email address, different from the one for Alert emails.

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Июнь 2017 12:35

Where user should enter his kindle email? During subscription?

I think I can create a custom field for Emerald, which will allow to enter email during subscription and then send email with attachment.

Is it like one subscription per attachment? Or different?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Июнь 2017 00:53

Sergey I think I can create a custom field for Emerald, which will allow to enter email during subscription

BTW, does it make sense to integrate and utilize the new J!3.7 core custom fields?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Июнь 2017 04:40

pepperstreet does it make sense to integrate and utilize the new J!3.7 core custom fields?

I think now it makes the most sense to slowly move toward core Joomla system instead of using 3rd party.

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