baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
26 Апр 2016 00:37

It seems that current restriction rules are all based on "money', no one is based on "time". So I want to suggest such a new idea:

For example, if I installed Kunena as a forum on my Joomla website. I allow any registered user to post on the forum, but with one condition:

The user can not post on forum immediately after registration, he MUST wait for 24 hours (or any duration you like) after first login, then he will get the permission to submit a post on Kunena. During that waiting time, he can ONLY read other posts, with out permission to reply or vote.

Look, there is NO "money" charging in this rule. Only "time based". The user will get his full operating permissions when he has been a registered user for specified duration, then that permission will be granted to him AUTOMATICALLY.

Though this is an idea not related to "money", I think it is related to "restriction user's permissions", so it should be a feature of Emerald. Because I want to see Emerald become an ALL-in-one user rights/permission management extension for Joomla CMS.

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 06 Май 2016

Total posts: 13,748
26 Апр 2016 12:58

I understand. I can add grant delay parameter to Emerald 10. Unfortunately I will not add new features to Emearld 9 anymore. Is that ok for you?

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
29 Апр 2016 00:20

Yes, I can wait.

Thank you.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
29 Апр 2016 00:22

Some details : I think every "action" or "restrict" need a individual "grant delay" parameter for each plan. In this way, it will fulfill any needs of the site admin.

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Апр 2016 12:05

I do not see how restriction or actions delay could be applicable.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
03 Май 2016 08:27

This kind of "time delay" may not suitable for paid memberships, but for some free memberships, it is useful.

In fact, I myself don't need such a rule. But I know some other websites may need it.

If you add such a feature to Emerald, it will attract more interestes.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Май 2016 16:06

I need case scenario. Before I add feature I need completely understand situation when it is needed. Perhaps solution might be very different when I get an idea.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
05 Май 2016 22:28

Ok, I will show you a simple example:

I have a Joomla website, with Download area and Forum area. Now I want to control the user permissions but I see Joomla core is very weak on this. So I decide to use Emerald.

However, I don't need users pay me, just free to register and free to download or post on forum as a registered user.

Now, to avoid someone "just register to download a file and leave forever", I want to delay the downloading action for 24 hours after his first login, and delay the "posting on foroum" action for 12 hours after his first login.

You know, Joomla core can not do this.

Can Emerald do this?

Total posts: 13,748
06 Май 2016 08:32

baijianpeng ow, to avoid someone "just register to download a file and leave forever", I want to delay the downloading action for 24 hours after his first login, and delay the "posting on foroum" action for 12 hours after his first login.

how that restriction will stop users to register to download file?

they will be able to do this anyway, you will just piss off those who are serious registrants, and for those who are not, they will eventualy download but only think that you are not good person.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
06 Май 2016 14:18

Ok, maybe I need better story to describe the suitable scenario for such a feature. I will post here later.

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