baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
27 Нояб 2015 02:41

Sometimes we may have many Categories and subcategories, many many of them, so it is not easy to select each one for restriction.

Then if I want to restrict one of the root category and ALL its subcategories and sub-sub-categories, what should I do? Can I just select the root (parent) category only, and then Emerald will apply the same restriction on its ALL sub and sub-sub categories?

Or, I have to manually check/select each category, no matter how deep the level is, to make that category apply the restrict rule?

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 30 Нояб 2015

Total posts: 13,748
30 Нояб 2015 03:59

I suppose we are talking about Remository?

I'll try to add this parameter to restriction rule and display containers as tree.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
30 Нояб 2015 07:03

Glad to hear that.

Thank you.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
30 Нояб 2015 08:55

Today I made a simple test that confirms this suspect: Current resitriction rule adapter for Remository only works on those categories that had been selected, if you select the parent category but not the subcategory, then files in sub-category will NOT be protected by Emerald.

This is too bad. Because that means, if I have more than 50 categories in several levels, I have to select some of them one by one, and in an awkward situation that Emerald can not list those categories in a tree view so that I don't know who is who's subcategory?

Hope you will improve this feature.

Thank you.

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