baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
19 Нояб 2015 03:06


There is a language translation problem on the Subscription Sales table. One of the table head (column name) is "State", which means the "status of publish or not". That is OK for English speakers because they know state here means status. But, when translated into Chinese, the words State and Status have diffrent meanings.

State: we use it for "province/state" meaning Status: we use it as "status" meaning

However, in fact, you use the word State for both "status" and "state/province" meaning in the same language file. How can I translate it then?

So, I hope you use "Status" instead of "State" on the Subscription Sales table.

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 20 Нояб 2015

Total posts: 13,748
19 Нояб 2015 14:16

YOu can search for this text in Joomla language manager/Overrides and create new key.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
20 Нояб 2015 01:23

OK, I solved this: though the English words are both "State", but you used different language Keys for them, so I can translate into different meanings.

Thank you.

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