baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
12 Июнь 2015 16:53

Remository is a Joomla component for file downloading management. In the URL of the detail page of one single file, there is no parameter for file category. So it is very hard for Emerald to restrict Remository downloading rights based on Category.

However, Remository itself has this ability to restrict downloading by Category. Remositry has its own "user group" feature. When you create specific user group in Remository and bind this group with a file category, then only user in this group can download files inside that category.

So I think, maybe we can use an Emerald Action to do this: when a user successfully purchased a plan, he will be automatically assigned to a specific user group of Remository (not the Joomla core user group), then he will get the permission to download files in one Remository category which had been bind to that user group when set up.

Could you please create such an Action ?

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 17 Июнь 2015

Total posts: 13,748
15 Июнь 2015 06:36

I have created and uploaded restriction rule for com_remository that allow to restrict whole container/category.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
15 Июнь 2015 10:49

I went to the download page of this new rule plugin, but there is a warning message:

You have not yet purchased this download

I think I had purchased the Lifetime membership and I don't need to buy any single file again?

Cuold you please check my permission and assign proper right to my account?

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Июнь 2015 11:02

Opc! Thank you. Forgot to activate download for subscribers. Now fixed.

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
15 Июнь 2015 11:23

Yes, I have got the file now. Thank you!

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
15 Июнь 2015 11:43

Well, I noticed that there is only ONE option for this rule: select the container (category).

But, there is some circumstances that maybe we need to restrict downloading by URL parameter, though there is no container in the URL, the URL of remository still contains file id and "func=startdown" part. Maybe sometimes someone need to restrict a file not in any container (it is in the root container) , so he needs the URL parameter rules.

I hope you can add URL parameter rule into this plugin for those special usage.

Thank you.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
15 Июнь 2015 17:03

baijianpeng the URL of remository still contains file id and "func=startdown" part. Maybe sometimes someone need to restrict a file not in any container (it is in the root container) , so he needs the URL parameter rules.

IMHO, you should be able to restrict it by adding a universal rule.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Июнь 2015 04:41

Unfortunately right now, once adapter for extension is created, universal rule is no longer available for that extension. May be this is something to think about.

I added ability to restrict by file ID.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Июнь 2015 18:01

Sergey Unfortunately right now, once adapter for extension is created, universal rule is no longer available for that extension.

Oh, thanks for clarification. Was not aware of this limitation. I don't own a special Adapter, yet ;)

May be this is something to think about.

Yes, absolutely! (request/idea!)

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
16 Июнь 2015 23:18

Sergey once adapter for extension is created, universal rule is no longer available for that extension.

I think this is not good. Specific adapter should be "extra" option for restriction, not the "overriding" option. Universal rules should be available for any extension in any occasion. Those universal rules should be shown up by default, no matter if there is an adapter.

Hope you will improve this design for whole Emerald.

Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Июнь 2015 06:02

baijianpeng Hope you will improve this design for whole Emerald.

I already have an idea how to make it beautiful. I'll change that in Emerald 10 (actualy already changing).

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