Total posts: 88
23 Окт 2016 19:51

In Safari 10 no password 'dots' appear in password field and it report as empty. However user is registered in Joomla. Works fine in chrome and also works in safari 6.2.8.

Последние изменения: 13 Янв 2017

Total posts: 13,748
27 Окт 2016 09:30

I would suspect it is Safari bug. I use plain vanila HTML for password field. Or may be you have some plugin in the browser.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Окт 2016 18:31

justanotherguy In Safari 10 no password 'dots' appear in password field

Sorry, can't confirm the issue in SAFARI 10.01 (OSX El Capitan)
Latest Joomla 3.6.4, Protostar template, Cobalt 8.727

Tested Password field and Register field. See screenshot:


Total posts: 88
08 Янв 2017 21:29

Error is able to be duplicated in:

OSX 10.12.2 (Sierra)

Safari Version 10.0.2 (12602.

It may be something in Safari but other sites password work. It seems specific to Cobalt. Not sure how or why.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Янв 2017 04:23

justanotherguy It may be something in Safari but other sites password work. It seems specific to Cobalt. Not sure how or why.

Is it possible to supply an URL for testing purposes?

Total posts: 88
09 Янв 2017 11:50

URL sent via skype. I wasnt sure how to PM just you for mark private to just you on the forum. I see the private checkbox but how to use isnt clear.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Янв 2017 03:38

justanotherguy URL sent via skype.

Hello again, just had a quick look and spend some minutes on your site. Here are my assumptions and suggestions.

First make sure you have the latest Yootheme Capture theme update, including WARP folder.
Apparently you are loading the bootstrap.css file from theme folder.
I have also seen some modifications in this file, right?! (input height, no rounded corners, button color etc.)

Pure CSS issue

There are different ways to solve the display issue.

You could try to override the register field form inputs again...
but I would recommend to go another route:

  • If you don't need the youtheme bootstrap.css, I would try to disable it in the theme settings.
  • Do never edit core/original files. Always use the provided custom.css
  • copy your special modifications to the custom.css
  • You might add some styles/classes for "Fox Contact form" as well. (input height, orange send button)

Hope this helps.

Total posts: 88
13 Янв 2017 11:58

pepperstreet First make sure you have the latest Yootheme Capture theme update, including WARP folder.> pepperstreet


I have also seen some modifications in this file, right?! (input height, no rounded corners, button color etc.)> pepperstreet

I have not modified the file it is as it comes form YooTheme

If you don't need the youtheme bootstrap.css, I would try to disable it in the theme settings.> pepperstreet

I Believe it is required

Do never edit core/original files. Always use the provided custom.css

I do not modify core files.

Issues still persists

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Янв 2017 13:10

justanotherguy I have not modified the file it is as it comes form YooTheme

Apparently yootheme did some edits to their bootstrap css file ?! Everything is possible ;)

I have noticed you have a special theme style folder called "BradVolcano". Including the bootstrap.css file. I still think there are some edits. But if it is your style folder, you might even change this file. (possible but usually not recommended, could get confusing in the long run)

If this is on purpose for every yootheme template, you have to update the BOOTSTRAP.css file in YOUR STYLES folder as well!
Copy it from the DEFAULT STYLE.

justanotherguy I Believe it is required

Not sure.

Anyways, I would still try to disable it. Please, check theme settings. There should be an option for that.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Янв 2017 15:16

pepperstreet Apparently yootheme did some edits to their bootstrap css file ?! Everything is possible ;)

Overriding of the inputs inside of nested rows/spans seems not to work well. Even the additional ID container and !important tests do not work.

Since you might have to keep the slightly modified bootstrap.css ... I tend to believe the field's markup and classes should be adjusted.

In my browser, temporary changes and removal of row-fluid and span12 have the best result. I guess the output should follow the rest of the form markup (control groups and controls, not sure about the css grid classes).

See temp result – a beginning...

Bildschirmfoto 2017-01-13 um 16.30.29

Работает на Cobalt