Total posts: 88
06 Окт 2016 21:36

Hi all. I use Composite title mask and get it to work with most of my fields. However I wanted it to pull the 'name' field from the register type. It is ID 2 but the registration type has more than 1 field. So I put [2::name] in the composist field as I undertand that is what i should do. however when the record when summitted has not title??


I even tried [2][name]

Any thougths? When I inspect the element here is the code:

<input class="span12" type="text" name="jform[fields][2][name]" id="field_name_2" value="" aria-invalid="false">

Not sure why this isnt working when it works if I select another field. For example field 3 is:

<input type="text" placeholder="" name="jform[fields][3]" id="field_3" value="" class="inputbox" style="width:90%" aria-invalid="false">

So all I have to do is put [3] in the composite mask and it workds GREAT

Последние изменения: 12 Окт 2016

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Окт 2016 06:22

Hello justanotherguy, what type of field is "name"?

Total posts: 88
07 Окт 2016 12:30

its the register field type in that field Name is text. a

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Окт 2016 02:34

justanotherguy register field type

I guess it does not work the same way as with other fields. The field values are used to create and store the Joomla user directly. The values are not stored as a regular Cobalt record. I could be wrong though... and I have to admit that I did not use it in a real world project.

I just did a quick test section and type and tried to access the values.
The registration and login seem to work.
Unfortunately, I could not create an initial record during registration at all?!
Even tried with some extra text fields.
Even no success with "Standard Title" option.

Only a second submission creates a first record.
(@Sergey possible bug?)

Total posts: 88
08 Окт 2016 02:55

I am able to get a record to submit and the user to register - that all works for me. I just cant get the 'Name" field to show as a title to the article.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Окт 2016 12:46

justanotherguy I am able to get a record to submit and the user to register - that all works for me. I just cant get the 'Name" field to show as a title to the article.

Нщг cannot do that. Because name is not a value of the field. name you enter to register but it is not what field saves.

You can edit template and add user name to the title in the code. Find place wheer title is rendered and add name of the user.

Работает на Cobalt