Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
06 Апр 2014 01:31

Hi! I upload GIF by Gallery field, but after putting, they displayed wrong. I upload original GiFs file and the wrong file. Check it by yourself.

The code in output file:

$this->record = $record;

$path = JUri::root(true).'/'.JComponentHelper::getParams('com_cobalt')->get('general_upload').'/'.$this->params->get('params.subfolder', $this->field_type).'/';

foreach($this->value AS $file)
echo '<img src="'.$path.$file['fullpath'].'" class="gif">';



Последние изменения: 16 Апр 2014

Total posts: 13,748
07 Апр 2014 07:43

What is happening with file? It stops animation? This may happen if you upload file bigger that your original file size parameters and Cobalt attempt to resize it.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Апр 2014 16:54

Maybe GIFs should be excluded from resizing at all? Most likely they are in an end-format and have to be kept "original".

Total posts: 13,748
08 Апр 2014 07:29

Actualy resizer we are using should resize GIFs keeping animation.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
10 Апр 2014 00:30

No. After upload the file, file is broken. Simply I show you example broken GIFs: http://najlepsze-obrazki.pl/item/1425-to-bylo-chamskie http://najlepsze-obrazki.pl/item/1423-tanczacy-kotek http://najlepsze-obrazki.pl/item/1415-auc The truth is the 90% of upload GIF are broken after the upload. Please help me, what is wrong.

Total posts: 1,113
10 Апр 2014 07:15

Fixed. Change gif resize library, must work fine.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
13 Апр 2014 08:55

@Konstanin, how do you fixed this library? How can I download this file? How to fix it?

Total posts: 1,113
14 Апр 2014 09:37

Just update cobalt.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
14 Апр 2014 20:09

Do you fixed it in Cobalt 7?

Total posts: 1,113
15 Апр 2014 05:16

Oh, it fixed in Cobalt 8.

Total posts: 13,748
15 Апр 2014 05:50

Oh! It is Cobalt 7 issue.

Unfortunately we canot fix it in Cobalt 7.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
15 Апр 2014 21:12

Why? I pay for many extension for Cobalt 7 and I pay for Premium Account. Why suddenly I have to be worse than others? If it is broken, you should fix it as creators of their own software.

I wanted to write a positive opinion at your extension on the JED, but I guess I'll have to write the truth, that the developers no longer care about their customers. Too bad. Where is the old Sergei, who care about their users?

Total posts: 13,748
16 Апр 2014 06:13

I do care.

  1. We have added this to Cobalt 7 and I have updated it.

  2. I have announced that development of Cobalt 7 is finished. I am fucused on Cobalt 8 and future version Cobalt 9. It is like you would try to rebuke Joomla team that they no longer release new versions of Joomla 1.5. Theer is a time for each product. And time of Cobalt 7 is at the end.

  3. That does not sounds good and does not motivate to help with threats and blackmail like this. This is very unprofessional. I did what you need, and would probably do it if you just mention your loyalty. But theat with JED review!? Man, I did what you want but you have to know that is not out of my heart.

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