Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
24 Сен 2013 15:30

Hi everyone!

Watermark as additional option in gallery field will be very nice, isn't it? :D

If this would be a problem, the watermark would generate only the thumbnails of photos.

Watermark would appear as semi-transparent text in the image.

The administrator could choose which corner of the image watermark would appear.

I truly hope that You would be able to add this functionality.

Please respond, even if the answer is negative.

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
25 Сен 2013 03:27

Unfortunately Cobalt 7 will not accept any new features. Even if we add this feature it will be added minimum to Cobalt 8.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
26 Сен 2013 14:08

Why You don't upgrade Cobalt 7?

You could earn money on extension like this.

Total posts: 13,748
27 Сен 2013 05:57

Because it is stable. If I start add feature something will stop working and update will turn into nightmares. And why should we develop Cobalt 7 when we are working on Cobalt 9?

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