Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
21 Март 2013 14:09

Hi everybody!

How can I display the menu from the section called "User menu" as a module?


I want to display in my module menu the position called "Your entry" which is redirected to page, where user can see your entries.

This position is normally show in user menu called "Created".

I will be very grateful for any help. :)

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Март 2013 23:45

When you add menu element in Joomla menu manager, there is Cobalt menu type User listing. This is how you can create link to user personal items.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
23 Март 2013 09:35


I have only:

"Buyers orders"

"Submit Article"

"Moderators Manager"



"Section records lists"

"User homepage"

And the "User homepage" show the same as "Section records lists".

I don't have a menu type called "user listing". My version of Cobalt is 7,23.

@Sergey, can you describe where the position you mentioned?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Март 2013 10:43

I meant user homepage. If it is not working it is simply bug :) Give me the link I'll check it out.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
12 Дек 2013 23:30


I have an error with User HomePage. It works the same way as "Section Records List".

How add in Joomla Menu position like "Created", "Visited", "Commented", etc.?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Дек 2013 00:29

Looks like MijoSEF problem. I did not find where to turn it off to test.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
13 Дек 2013 01:09

I don't have MijoSEF. I have only MijoSEARCH.

So, if I don't have MijoSEF, where is the problem?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Дек 2013 02:01

I tested locally and it works. I think it is SEF problem. Try to turn it off completely and see if it will work or not.

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
13 Дек 2013 04:02

I temporary delete the MijoSEARCH extension. And it's still broken.

How to repair this?

Tuszu VIP
Total posts: 128
14 Дек 2013 15:30

I'm very depend on this. When can I expect an answer?

Total posts: 13,748
16 Дек 2013 04:35

Please update Cobalt to latest version. May be this is the reason. I do not know what to think about. I cannot reproduce it locally. And on your site I cannot find why it does not path URL parameter to the code.

Работает на Cobalt