clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
06 Авг 2012 10:00

hello some compagnies asked me in the past, could you create a credit plugin for SSI, i explain

In mighty commerce, we could have comission based on each transaction but we do not have this feature in the great SSI

ex : My idea is to make a plugin thank to it user purchase 10 credit via paypal and can sell 10 files by ssi

thank you

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
06 Авг 2012 17:29

In general, Credits and Pre-Paid points are a great addition. Besides internal Cobalt Karma... users could buy or use their points of 3rd-Party extensionsa e.g:

  • CB Ajax Points or CBfield
  • JS Karma Points
  • AUP
  • jAwards


Total posts: 13,748
06 Авг 2012 22:01

Besides internal Cobalt Karma... users could buy or use their points of 3rd-Party extensionsa e.g:

  • CB Ajax Points or CBfield

  • JS Karma Points

  • AUP

  • jAwards


That is my first thought. I also thought that this feature may be build on top of extensions that have karma points os so.

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