clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
16 Май 2012 06:51


can you considearte to make an integration with easydiscus

i don't speak about community integration but real cobalt integration because Easy discuss if fullty integrated with K2 ** OR ** maybe your forum template will be powerfull to do that : as number of question unanswered, featured, new

-a Ranking Engine for best cobalt users

-and badges for some great contributors (i did this request for the mighty ressource long time ago)

thank you

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Total posts: 13,748
16 Май 2012 08:56

Good. You started to investigate integration market. That is good. We will definitely consider this extension for integration.

later I'll post list of integrations in priority order which we will do.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
16 Май 2012 10:02

yes i already contact several developpers

22 Авг 2012 14:50

hi. i am using k2 for content and easydiscuss as discussion forum ( discussion for k2 articles) . now i am thinking to use cobalt instead of k2. is it possible to integrate cobalt records to easydiscuss component?

Integration like this: from back end admin can set parameter for individual section/category to create new discussion in easydiscuss?

Total posts: 13,748
22 Авг 2012 22:56

We will probably make this integration later. Right now you can use forum build with cobalt to create discussions or other Cobalt articles.

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