clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
04 Май 2012 15:55

hello i found some bug with gallery field : - jpeg can not be uploaded only jpg

-gallerybox is strange in modulus and firefox "window in full view can be closed and photo is too on top

thank you

Последние изменения: 02 Март 2014

Official Answer

This bug was corrected in the version 1.4 Please update field from here: Gallery

07 Май 2012 00:54

-gallerybox is strange in modulus and firefox "window in full view can be closed and photo is too on top

This sentence isn`t very clear. If you open the photo is should be on the top and can be closed. Please attach screen shot.

The issue with jpeg is a bug. We ll try it correct as soon as possible.

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